Ticks respond to host stimuli, such as higher CO₂ concentrations, vibrations, odour, touch, radiant heat ad kairomones. The behahaviour al reactions to these host stimuli vary among tick species. Among these arthropods hunter (actively running in the direction of host) or ambusher ticks (passively waiting for host on the vegetation) occur. Hallers organ. palpal organ, cheliceral organ and receptors on scutum and alloscutum are involved in tick feeding behaviour.
Functions of salivary glands during tick feeding are discussed. The salivary glands secrete various components essential for attachment to the host and feeding. Among them cement precursors, enzymes and inhibitors, anti-coagulants, prostaglandins, histamine antagonists and agonists, and toxins are of great importance in these processes. The salivary glands are also involved in the excrete of water during feeding, in the regulation of ionic composition of the haemolymph, and in transmission of pathogens.