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w słowach kluczowych:  segregacja poszkodowanych
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Veterinary medicine is developing just as rapidly as human medicine. New technologies and workflows improving the process of treating humans are often applied in veterinary medicine. The procedure commonly used in emergency medicine is triage, that is, a system of patient segregation. In many countries, it has also proved extremely useful in the treatment of animals. Triage is a study and classification of patients according to the urgency of treatment. Its aim is mainly to recognize among many patients those that require immediate medical assistance. These are the so-called priority patients with life-threatening conditions. Animal clinics modify triage to suit the needs of veterinary patients. It improves greatly the work of clinics, especially in emergency waiting rooms. The aim of this study was to discuss the use of segregation in veterinary patients and to present our own proprietary triage protocol for the veterinary patient: Card of Veterinary Patient Pre-segregation (industrial design Rp.21948).
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