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w słowach kluczowych:  parabrown soil
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In the last Vistulian glacial period, the profiles of periglacial perstructions and the profiles of old cryosols were formed in the extra glacial and gradually released from retreating continental glacier regions, originally in conditions of over 6-8 ka existing arctic desert before approximately 14.5 ka, and then from 14.5 to 10.5 ka BP, in the changing short rhythms of glacier deserts, shrub and park tundras as well as in short lasting pine-birch and birch forests. The whole profile thickness of the remaning periglacial horizons of the pleistocene paleosoils at the earth surface consists of a sequence or series of periglacial frost perstruction zones. In the cryogenic perstruction process of surface and subsurface sediment layers in the periglacial environment there were diagnostic horizons - cryosideric - crBv, cryoargillic - crBt, and cryospodic - crBk formed. Their localisation in the perstruction profile, in the soil horizons profile and the grain size profile, with readily recognisable associations of cold climate characteristics, may be used for quantification and diagnosis of rusty and parabrown paleosoils in the framework of superordinatektaxonomic unit of paleocryosols.
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