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The aim of this study was to assess changes in the process of lipid peroxidation in blood platelets that were exposed to pulsating electromagnetic field (15mT induction). The following were analysed: changes of malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration in TBARS, superoxide dismutase (CuZn-SOD) activity and free radicals generation measured with chemiluminescence method.
The study included 114 clinically healthy horses representing different groups: breeding horses (27), recreation horses (22), and sport horses (65). The group of sport horses consisted of racehorses (11), trotters (15), jumping horses (25), and driving horses (14). The peripheral blood samples collected three times: before exercise, immediately after exercise, and after 30-min rest were examined for the activity of oxygen metabolism of neutrophils using chemiluminescence (CL). The study demonstrated a temporary post-exercise intensification of free radical processes in sport horses. The intensity of this reaction depended on the intensity and duration of the exercise workload, which was confirmed by the changes in the heart rate and breathing. The analysis of the results of pre-exercise examination demonstrated clearly higher CL values of neutrophils in horses trained regularly and intensively than in animals of small physical activity. This result proves a positive influence of regular training on oxygen-dependent bactericidal activity of neutrophils.
We studied the influence of low doses of γ radiation (from 0.04 to 1.8 mGy) on the stability of human red blood cells (RBC) from healthy donors and diabetic patients using absorption spectroscopy. Because of the alteration of many enzymatic pathways in diabetic RBCs resulting in strong modification of the lipid and protein membrane components one could expect that the ionizing γ-radiation should influence the stability of the healthy and diabetic cells in a different way. Indeed, distinct discontinuities and monotonic changes of hemolysis detected in the healthy and diabetic RBCs suggest that various enzymatic and chemical processes are activated in these membranes by γ radiation. Mössbauer measurements showed that only the highest applied dose of γ radiation caused modification of hemoglobin in both types of RBCs.
Acute ischemia and the subsequent reperfusion caused by temporary closure of blood flow in the main arteries, which activate generalized inflammatory response, lead to endothelial injury. The aim of the study was to examine the injury of tissues in the ischemia reperfusion syndrome. Additionally, we tried to estimate the role of B1 and B2 bradykinin-receptor antagonists. In our study we histologically assessed specimens of lungs, kidney, liver, small and large intestine and skeletal muscle from the thigh. We compared the samples obtained from the groups of animals that were exposed to 4 hours of complete ischemia and 120 minutes of reperfusion. We divided animals into 4 groups. Rats in the first group were the control group, animals from the second received bradykinin. In the third and fourth group respectively bradykinin along with B2 and B1 bradykinin-receptor antagonist were administered. The results of microscopic examination revealed that bradykinin exerts a protective effect on the function and structure of distant organs as well as the skeletal muscle which was subjected to ischemia and reperfusion. The most visible effects of bradykinin were found in the samples of the lung, skeletal muscle, and the large and small intestines. Administration of bradykinin receptor antagonists, especially B2 receptor blocker, reduces the advantageous effects of bradykinin. The conclusion of our study is that administration of bradykinin may be beneficial in diseases accompanied by limb ischemia where tissue blood flow and oxygen metabolism are dependent upon kinin release, which in turn will condition tissue repair.
The crystal structure of rat transthyretin (rTTR) complex with 3,5,3' ,5' -tetra­iodothyroacetic acid (T4Ac) was determined at 1.8 A resolution with low temperature synchrotron data collected at CHESS. The structure was refined to R = 0.207 and Rfree = 0.24 with the use of 8-1.8 A data. The additional 8000 reflections from the in­complete 2.1-1.8 data shell, included in the refinement, reduced the Rfree index by 1.3%. Structure comparison with the model refined against the complete 8-2.1 A data revealed no differences in the ligand orientation and the conformation of the polypeptide chain in the core regions. However, the high-resolution data included in the refinement improved the model in the flexible regions poorly defined with the lower resolution data. Also additional sixteen water molecules were found in the dif­ference map calculated with the extended data. The structure revealed both forward and reverse binding of tetraiodothyroacetic acid in one binding site and two modes of forward ligand binding in the second site, with the phenolic iodine atoms occupying different sets of the halogen binding pockets.
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