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The aim of the research paper was to present a character description of organic agricultural holdings and identify factors affecting profitability of these holdings basing on the opinions of farmers specializing in such production. The area analyzed in this research was the Podlaskie Voivodeship. In order to achieve the aim, various research methods were employed, such as the study of relevant literature opinion surveys conducted using a questionnaire directed to 101 organic farms (selected randomly ensuring representativeness of results) as well as means of descriptive statistics. The conducted research indicates that a typical organic farmer in the Podlaskie Voivodeship is 48 years old and has 16 years of experience in agricultural holding management. He is also well educated (44% have higher education) and possesses good knowledge about organic agriculture. Almost 80% of analyzed agricultural holdings have certificates, usually for several products. 51% produce mostly for their own needs, while production of only every third is for the most part dedicated to market purposes. In 55% of these holdings, production is oriented mostly towards plant production, whereas 35% is multidirectional. In the majority of farmers’ opinions, the economic situation of their holdings is comparable to that of conventional farms. Only every fifth farmer considers their situation to better. According to the respondents, subsidies from the European Union are among the most important factors determining profitability of organic agricultural production. The factors that affect profitability negatively, according to interviewed farmers, are: low sale prices, unfavorable climate conditions, high costs of obtaining certificates and overly extensive bureaucracy
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Trends in the organic market worldwide

The main object of the research was to identify and analyze trends which have appeared on the world organic market recently. The article contains an analysis of the worldwide organic market, containing the perspectives of both market supply and demand. The analyses are based on international statistics, mostly gathered by FiBL and IFOAM. The author emphasizes the role of countries and regions leading in the production or distribution of organic goods.
In general, consumers believe that quality of organic food is superior to conventionally produced one. For organic food an integrated assessment of quality seems to be necessary. In the early 20th century it was observed that living organisms emit light (photons). Different hypotheses were developed to describe this phenomenon. The most prominent one is that the observed biophotons are coming from an intercellular communication system. This effect is meanwhile described as dark luminescence due to the very low intensity of radiation. In first experiments with eggs it was found that eggs from hens of free range systems and from organic production showed higher maximal emissions of biophotons with a slower decline over time. The objective of the present experiment was, therefore, to run a long-term (1 year) evaluation of egg quality from different production systems (cage, barn, free range, organic) on the basis of conventional quality criteria (shell breaking strength, egg mass, albumen height, yolk colour, proportion of yolk, fatty acid profile) and emission of biophotons. First results indicate that organic eggs show higher emissions of biophotons with a slower decline, higher albumen height, paler yolk colour, and higher content of omega-3 fatty acids in yolks. Obviously, measurement of dark luminescence may be a suitable method for an integrated assessment of the quality of organic eggs.
This paper presents in its first part the basis of interventionism in agriculture. It presents currently existing system of support for organic orchards in Poland and EU and proposed changes. In the empirical part, the paper presents the economical situation of Polish fruit-growing farms in respect to other farms according to FADN data (Farm Accountancy Data Network). It has been ascertained that agri-environmental payments answer for 32% of those farms’ income, which is an amount approximate to other farm types. A proposition of change in organic orchard farms’ subsidies has no basis in regard to economical situation of those farms and can cause unfavorable fallout for them and their surroundings. Because of many flaws in the system of these subsidies, it is needful to intensify the control by Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMA)
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