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w słowach kluczowych:  new technology
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The binomial computerization method is comparison of certain similarities and differences of plants identification system. The ultimate purpose of the plants identification process is method of using digital tools of database and creating new version of plants identification for constructing the digital keys. The present study of plant identification system is based on computerization processes. The plants species characters are constructing basis on taxonomical literature and followed by suitable classification system and binomial rules.
The paper presents the results of empirical research conducted among farmers from different Polish provinces. The study involved 140 farmers, where half of them were young people (so-called young farmers, in the age under 40), and the remaining – older farmers. The attitudes of farmers towards innovation were examined, taking into account some factors of human capital. The study was conducted using the survey method. Based on the obtained results the significant relationship between the level of education and the quality of human capital was indicated. The younger, well-educated farmers are looking for new solutions and willing to implement innovations. Despite the pro-innovative attitudes, implementation of new solutions is very difficult. In the opinion of respondents, the most important barrier to the implementation of innovation is not the lack of knowledge and information about new solutions, but the lack of funds and the high cost of new technologies.
There are various biomass energy technologies with imbalanced application status spread all over Sub-Sahara Africa. Currently, some biomass technologies have been developed maturely in the market such as biogas, that can be economically competitive, commercially developed, and applied in large scale, while other technologies are in the early stage of commercial applications, that need subsidies and other financial incentives to encourage them in the market. These include biomass power, biomass pallet fuel, biofuels from non-grain feedstock, etc. There are also many emerging biomass technologies which are at R&D and demonstration stage and are expected to develop into industrial and commercial applications, such as biological ethanol fuel from cellulose and biodiesel from oil plants. Due to the differences in terms of technology maturity, development stage, market competitiveness, and future perspectives of the various biomass technologies, the obstacles can be different, the needed incentives also vary. It is an important task for Sub-Sahara African Countries to study and design a biomass energy development program to ensure implementation of the region’s biomass energy development objectives. The biomass energy development program in Sub-Sahara Africa should include assessment of various biomass technology status and objectives, development of approaches in biomass technology research and development, pilot projects, demonstration, and application promotions, and identify supporting incentives in techniques and regulations.
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