Investigations were carried out on the fruits of sweet pepper at its two development stages: on green fruits, on mature red and yellow fruits and on leaves. The content of the photosynthetic pigments and the optical properties were examined. In the green fruits when compared with leaves the content of the photosynthetic pigments is smaller by 40 to 50 % and the value of the ratio: chlorophyll a/b is lower. Chlorophyll is absent in mature fruits, while the content of carotenoids is a few times higher. The optical properties of green fruits and of the leaves in the PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) range are the same. In the range 700 - 1100 nm the green fruits show smaller reflectance and transmittance and a few times greater absorp- tance of irradiation which contributes to the warming up of the seed bag, while small absorptance of leaves in this range protects them against overheating. In mature fruits, in the PAR range, the reflectance and transmittance are higher, while the absorptance of irradiation in comparison with that of green fruits is smaller. In the range 700 - 1100 nm the changes are rather small and refer to the increase of reflectance and reduction of absorptance, while the transmittance of irradiation remains unchanged.