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Methodological aspects of apple firmness measurement

This paper presents the results of the study on the determination of the effect of measurement depth on the value of flesh firmness for apples of McIntosh, Spartan and Starkrimson varieties. It was found that the depth of measurement had a significant effect on the value of flesh firmness. The firmness measurement error, caused by the differences in plunger penetration depth of 1-3 mm, may reach values from 3.1 up to approx. 15 %.
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Testing apple resistance to dynamic loading

This paper aims at finding a simple method of determining a parameter, linking the deformation energy with impact velocity and extent (size) of damage, known as the resistance factor, and investigates its variation over the periods of harvest and storage. The resistance factor was found to be significantly influenced by the apple variety, date of the test and by method of storage. Apples of greater firmness were found to have higher values of resistance factor during harvest, this is valid for apple variety and the date of test. The resistance factor was found to undergo apparent rise during storage, probably as a result of the rise in viscosity and damping characteristics of the material.
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Osmotyczno-konwekcyjne suszenie jablek

Zbadano wpływ rodzaju czynnika osmotycznego na kinetykę odwadniania jabłek, jak również na kinetykę wnikania substancji z uwzględnieniem szybkości procesów, zbadano również wpływ rodzaju czynnika osmotycznego i sposobu jego usunięcia na kinetykę dosuszania konwekcyjnego, a w szczególności na czas procesu suszenia (do wilgotności końcowej, wynoszącej 16%) oraz na cechy jakościowe suszu w porównaniu do uzyskanego w suszarce konwekcyjnej.
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