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Little is known about the molecular background of clinical variability of Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A (CMT1A) disease and hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP). The CMT1A and HNPP disorders result from duplication and deletion of the PMP22 gene respectively. In a series of studies performed on affected animal transgenic models of CMT1A disease, expression of the PMP22 gene (gene dosage) was shown to correlete with severity of CMT course (gene dosage effect). In this study we hypothesized that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located within the 5' regulatory sequence of PMP22 gene may be responsible for the CMT1A/HNPP clinical variability. We have sequenced the PMP22 5' upstream regulatory sequence in a group of 45 CMT1A/HNPP patients harboring the PMP22 duplication (37) /deletion (8). We have identified five SNPs in the regulatory sequence of the PMP22 gene. Three of them i.e. -819C>T, -4785G>T, -4800C>T were detected both in the patients and in the control group. Thus, their pathogenic role in the regulation of the expression of the PMP22 gene seems not to be significant. Two SNPs i.e. -4210T>C and -4759T>A were found only in the CMT patients. Their role in the regulation of the PMP22 gene expression can not be excluded. Additionally we have detected the Thr118Met variant in exon 4 of the PMP22 gene, which was previously reported by other authors, in one patient. We conclude that the 5' regulatory sequence of the PMP22 gene is conserved at the nucleotiode level, however rarely occurring SNPs variant in the PMP22 regulatory sequence may be associated with the gene dosage effect.
 Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 2 is a rare disorder caused by recessive mutations in the WNK1/HSN2 gene located on chromosome 12p13.33. Phenotype of the patients is characterized by severe sensory loss affecting all sensory modalities. We report a novel homozygous Lys179fsX182 (HSN2); Lys965fsX968 (WNK1/HSN2) mutation causing an early childhood onset hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 2, with acromutilations in upper and lower limbs, and autonomic dysfunction. To the best of our knowledge this is the first genetically proven case of hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 2 originating from East Europe.
 Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is manifested by a spectrum of phenotypes, from the classical HNPP course associated with intermittent nerve palsies to a neuropathy resembling Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1 (CMT1) disease. The majority of HNPP cases are associated with submicroscopical deletions in the 17p11.2-p12 region containing the PMP22 gene, while PMP22 point mutations are rare, representing about 15% of HNPP cases. In this study, we present a patient manifesting with atypical HNPP phenotype associated with a new Thr99fsX110 mutation in the PMP22 gene. We conclude that all patients who fulfill the electrophysiological criteria of HNPP, even if they lack the typical HNPP phenotype, should be tested for point mutations in the PMP22 gene.
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