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w słowach kluczowych:  food industry
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The objective of the paper is to present the changes in capital resources (in the form of foreign direct investment), which were located in the Czech food industry and the assessment of development trends in the inflow of FDI into the food industry in the years 2002-2011. The analyses conducted show that in the period considered, the Czech food industry was neglected by foreign investors, if compared with other manufacturing industries. The cumulative value of foreign investment in this industry estimated at the end of 2011 amounted to EUR 2.3 billion, which accounted for 7.9% of the capital resources (in the form of FDI) invested in the manufacturing sector.
In the age of market globalisation, characterised, among other things, by high intensity of competition among enterprises, it is increasingly important to have broadly understood knowledge about consumers, their needs, expectations, habits, aspirations and, above all, determinants of such behaviour. Food manufacturers, in order to survive on the increasingly competitive market of food products, have to monitor factors shaping consumer behaviour on the market, which are subject to constant changes, and to explore the determinants of changes. As part of the research a questionnaire survey was conducted on the population of 200 people – a group of German school pupils aged 12–16. The research procedure was a direct questionnaire survey. The spatial extent of the questionnaire survey was the area of Brandenburg. The substantive scope of the questionnaire survey included issues related with the process of taking decisions by consumers about purchase of particular food products and factors affecting such decisions.
The conducted research is consistent with commercial trend of the research on competitiveness. The main goal was to assess the competitive position of the food industry of the European Union (EU) on the global market in the period 2000–2013. Used indicators are based on the results achieved in foreign trade: global market share, trade coverage ratio and revealed comparative advantage ratio. The food industry was defi ned on the basis of the aggregation of the departments 01–09, 11, 4 SITC Rev. 3. According to the research, the EU and the USA were the world’s largest exporters of the food industry products. Their importance in the world export decreases slightly in favour of such countries, as China and Brazil. A surplus in food trade achieved by the EU was small, especially as compared to Argentina. The conducted analysis demonstrates that the EU as a whole did not have comparative advantages in trade of food products over the countries not belonging to the Community.
This review is a brief description of the current state of research on the functional and bioactivite properties of caseins, their hydrolysates and peptides. The functional properties of casein and casein-originated hydrolysates and peptides reflect the natural features of their molecules and environmental characteristics. Many proteolytic enzymes are used for modifying functional and biological properties of caseins. Enzymatic modifications influence the conformation of casein molecules and, in consequence, their properties. The functional properties of caseins may improve upon partial hydrolysis. Peptides derived from casein proteins are capable of affecting the biological functions of an organism. These effects can be antihypertensive, antimicrobial, antithrombotic, immunoregulating and opioid.
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Cornflakes don't grow on trees

The effect of three different carbonate preparations BTC, OPREN and QTR on the rheologic properties and quality of meat batter and comminuted sausages was studied. Meat batters and the manufactured comminuted sausages were used as experimental material. Carbonate preparations were added to the batters according to the instructions of the producers. Sausage batters were analysed 4 to 5 hrs and the sausages 24 hrs after their production. Carbonate preparations added during meat chopping operation were found to increase pH value and decrease thermal drip in the batter whereas sausage texture and sensory quality were not worsened in comparison with the control sausage. Carbonate additives increased considerably the yield of finished products. The experimental findings demonstrated that the examined carbonate preparations may be used in the commercial production of comminuted sausages.
Today the logistics could be an efficient method for increasing the food production and food processing and they could combine all the elements of food production sub-complex into the single chain providing conditions not only for domestic production and consumption of this strategically important products but also provide a great deal of export flows. In our opinion it is logistics that can consolidate separate components of economic mechanism and provide conditions for structural and functional balance and efficient institutional foundations. When operating logistics flows we can develop optimal cause and effect relationship among the elements that would finally create effective system. As a primary step that would enable to achieve a totally new level in logistics for the food production of Ukraine, the new scheme for transformation mechanism of logistics system in food production sub-complex of Ukraine has been suggested. It is based on “virtualization” of material flows among certified food products storehouses.
The paper presents construction of the economy barometer for agriculture and food-industry. Moreover, referential indexes and aggregated leading indexes were constructed. On the base of the referential indexes, analysis of cyclical changes in food-economy in the 1975-2003 years was carried out. Finally, warning forecasts for agriculture and food-industry were created.
The efficiency of bioluminescence applied to monitor the state of hygiene in a dairy processing plant was assessed in relation to the results of conventional microbiological methods. The used blotting tests were Envirocheck Contact DC with Agar CASO medium with added neutralizers. The analysed object was the surface of a beam stirrer in a fermentation tank. Swabs were collected following tank washing and disinfection after the completion of 15 production cycles. A high degree of correlation r = 0.91 was obtained at the reliability of comparison β = 0.906. The analysis of probability of distribution confirmed the feasibility of bioluminescence. Boundary values (112 and 171 RLU) were determined for bioluminescence for three object cleanliness ranges, based on microbial counts (cfu/cm2). Over 13% surfaces were classified as conditionally clean (Alert).
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Dynamic changes of food producers in Bulgaria

The food and beverage production in Bulgaria has dramatically changed after the full EU membership in 2007. This change has affected not just the production structure, but also the import and export structure as well as overall production potential of the agri-food sector. The aim of the paper is to look inside the changes from the perspective of the single producer. This means to answer to the question: why has the Bulgarian agri-food production been getting worse? The analyses showed that food industry does not have the ability to move over the 1980s values. Partially this state is a result of misunderstanding by food processors how to manage their production more efficiently. The greatest potential for dynamic change of Bulgarian food industry is in the innovation inputs (development of new products and technologies improvement overall marketing). For food sector the major role, among all types of innovations, is played by product innovations.
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