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Factors of trust in machinery sharing arrangements

The paper examines the drivers of trust in the machinery sharing cooperation arrangements of Hungarian fieldcrops farms. Our research has focused on the role of two factors on the basis of the widely referred trust model: faith in loyalty and capability. The empirical results clearly confirm the hypothesis of the theoretical model, namely, which partners will trust each other if their faith is high both in loyalty and in competence. Our research has also pointed out that the level of trust between partners is determined differently by the two examined factors: it is statistically proved that the impact of faith in loyalty is higher.
The aim of the article is to identify clusters whilst at the same time determine which are inactive (i.e. in practice, not engaged in any real activities but which are treated equally as active clusters in various sources) using Polish furniture industry as an example. The analysis which has been carried out here from the perspective of the industrial network approach takes into account the structure and characteristics of the activities which clusters undertake and facilitate the identification of truly active clusters within the industry. In addition clusters are classified as formalised and informal in terms of their real activities, resources and entities. This study stresses the reasons for creating such a network structure in view of the nature of the actions during the startup of the cluster initiative (bottom-up approach, top-down approach).
The aim of the article is to present forms of cooperation between local authorities and non-governmental organisations, taking into consideration the model of cooperation between public administration and NGOs and legal aspects.The research part of the article is based on the secondary data from “Barometr Współpracy 2009” (Cooperation Barometer 2009) report and the research results from the authors’ analysis of the selected examples of good practices of cooperation undertaken by the units of territorial self-government in the Lublin Province. The forms of cooperation and the amount of public funds devoted to the activities of the non-governmental organisations have been analysed. Moreover, the examples of cooperation realized by self-governments in the Lublin Province have been provided. The present analysis has demonstrated that the development of cross-sectoral cooperation requires more commitment from its partners. The parties should adjust the model solutions to existing possibilities and local resources. The creation of an appropriate model of cooperation between local authorities and nongovernmental organisations is a positive example of creativity, activity and development of both types of sectors, which will unquestionably be appreciated by local communities.
On a world scale, a huge concentration could be observed in viticulture and wine production during the last few decades. According to Kym Anderson [2003] the development of global wine market may be put at the 1990s. In the traditional European wine producing countries collaborations and integrations, as conditions for the safe operation of the sector, had been formed some decades before. Cooperation is necessary, because in many cases, only it can solve or mitigate the issues from global challenges. In our times assertion of interests and minimizing costs are becoming increasingly important, in which different forms of cooperation can provide great help. This study is intended to show what kind of collaborations can be noticed in the wine production of Hungary, and which form of cooperation could be the best one to manage the current professional issues. It examines how to adapt the basic principles of integrations that have achieved success abroad. The topicality of this matter is strengthened by the fact that Zsolt Feldman [2016] ranks the elaboration of inter-trade agreements, which can be the first step of cooperation by all means, amongst the most important tasks of the sector based on the FM-HNT partnership.
The article is dedicated to the comprehensive analysis of the cross-border cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian border regions, which are involved in euroregions, established on their basis. The analysis covers theoretical aspects, financial issues of the cross-border collaboration, as well as socio-economic aspects research of the investigated territories development. Authors’ aim is to compare the principles and tendencies of territories development within cross-border Polish-Ukrainian regions in order to provide a comprehensive vision of the cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and Poland within Carpathian Euroregion and Euroregion Bug.
The paper examines factors affecting trust among the Hungarian agricultural producers. Our research has focused on the role of two factors on the basis of the widely referred trust model: faith in loyalty and faith in capability. The empirical results clearly confirm the hypothesis of the theoretical model, which states that partners will trust each other if their faith is high both in loyalty and in competence. Our research has also pointed out that the level of trust between partners is determined differently by the two examined factors: it is statistically proved that the impact of faith in loyalty is higher than the other factor. These research results fully correspond to the outcomes of recent research projects in the similar field.
This paper presents the relationship between mining municipalities and coal mines, as well as the basis for the functioning of these communities and mines over the last two decades. Post an analysis of the legislation, studies and the available literature the relationship that characterizes relations of mining communities and hard coal mines was presented. The author revealed on one hand, the benefits obtained on this account by mining municipalities, on the other hand, the problems that they face in relationships with entrepreneurs. One of the positive aspects is undoubtedly the role of mining companies as employers, who are, in a sense, educational policy makers, and as patrons of many social initiatives. Coal companies are also a stable source of taxes that come into the municipal budgets. Coal mining is also the mining damage, polluted environment and transformation of the landscape. These problems, of course, do not cover the full spectrum of problems, as they indicate only the most important ones of them. Relations of each municipality with a mine are different in details, but it is possible to find common elements, which have been shown divided into positive and negative aspects. This industry branch would be disastrous for mining communities, as evidenced by the situation in the municipalities where the coal mines were closed down. Therefore, it is necessary to work out agreement paths between the entities for which coexistence is necessary not only for the development of municipalities and mines, but especially for the residents.
The aim of the article is to identify the specifics of the furniture industry based upon the example of Poland and with the application of the industrial network approach. In the article, the ARA (Actors-Resources-Activities) model is adopted as the basic framework developed within the industrial network approach. This in turn allows for the identification of the interdependencies between important entities (actors), resources and activities influencing this industry, the main entities within the industry, the surrounding business environment as well as their characteristics. A special emphasis is put on the entities from the environment surrounding the furniture industry so as to include some significant factors influencing it – both in a positive and negative sense.
Hungary is expected be the European Union member state by 2004 according to the accession talks. In this respect the main question of agricultural modernisation involves the evaluation of integration and its role - specially the motivation factors, the type of integration and the integrator it self. Financing has got a sufficient role in integrating agricultural farms just as well as good sales conditions, obtaining and maintaining dominant market positions, and manufacturing quality goods. All these aims can be met only by a vertical organisation, which includes marketing, financing, buying and selling channels, and also capable to transform market demand and information into important production factors. The contribution of the Hungarian food industry to GDP is bigger than those of the most European Union member states. Food industry has even more significant role in respect of export-import balance, because it is the only industry having 1,5-2 billion US dollar positive result in net export. Therefore, in the new situation - concerning competitiveness in the EU home market - it is very important to develop and modernise this industry. In this paper we show the traditional integration-cooperation formations (that were formed during the socialist regime), after that we analyse the effects of their disintegration as a cause of political transition in the 90s, and furthermore we take the new forms and possibilities together with the arising problems as well. We also evaluate the role of cooperatives in this process, and the desired trends for the future.
The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, an attempt is made to analyze the concept of open innovation and its determinants with particular regard to food industry. Secondly, an investigation of open innovation drivers is conducted, using a small-scale sample of Polish food firms. The sample consists of 15 food producers localized in the Lublin province. The Probit model has been used in the analyses. The results reveal that the level of technology and export orientation are the drivers of co-operation in innovation activities. In turn, expenditures on R&D and employees’ training reduce the propensity of enterprises to adopt the open innovation approach.
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