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In case of small animals the endoscopic examination of the digestive tract may apply to the endoscopy of esophagus, stomach and duodenum, which is described as the examination of the anterior part of the digestive tract (panendoscopy), or may be limited to examination of rectum and colon, which is described as endoscopy of the posterior part of the digestive tract. The examination was performed in the 12 cats of European race, various sex, 2-6 years of age and divided into 2 groups. We received some interesting results: Fibroscopy of the anterior part of digestive tract is a safe and very useful diagnostic technique to recognise esophagus, stomach and duodenum illnesses in cats. Olympus XQ 20 pediatric fibroscope can be used in endoscopy of the anterior part of digestive tract in cats. Esophagoscopy might be performed with stiff endoscope, which is of little use in gastroscopy.
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Iridociliary epithelial tumor in a cat

A 15-year-old female spayed domestic short-hair cat was referred for a nonpigmented mass within the pupil of the left eye. In the ophthalmic examination, the non-pigmented mass appeared behind the iris. Visual function was normal, and there were no significant clinical findings except the ciliary body mass. Seven days after presentation, the mass was removed with sclerotomy and iridocyclectomy. The mass was determined to be an iridociliary epithelial tumor upon histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses. Thirty-eight days after tumor removal, visual function was maintained, and the papillary light reflex remained normal.
Background: The aim of the present study was assessing the possibility of experimental allogenic transplantation of cat cornea endothelial cells, multiplied in vitro, into the anterior chamber of the eyeball in recipient cats. The reason for undertaking the research is the need to develop a method that would help in the cornea treatment in animals with corneal opacification following cataract surgery, as well as lens dislocation, injuries and endothelium degeneration. Methods: Cats aged 10-12 months were used in the experiment. Cornea fragments consisting of the posterior limiting membrane and posterior epithelium were placed in Iscove;s medium with addition of 10% foetal calf serum. Multiplied in vitro cells were injected into the anterior chamber of recipient cats. The cornea was subject to histological, histometric and SEM examination on the 3rd, 7th, 20th and 30th day after the surgery. Results: Micromorphological examination of the cornea showed full restitution of its endothelium 30 days after transplantation. Complete regeneration of structures indispensable for normal functioning of the posterior epithelium occurred as a result of implantation. Conclusions: In this study the results show that implantation of the cells of posterior corneal epithelium of donor cats, multiplied into vitro and injected into the anterior chamber of recipient cats. The cornea regained its full function, the layer of the posterior epithelium was regenerated and the stroma stabilized, presenting the image of full and proper corneal translucency.
This work deals with the application of a pattern recognition method to distinguish the degree of diaphragm paralysis after gradual unilateral sections of phrenic nerve rootlets in anesthetized, spontaneously breathing cats. The data set consisted of the features that characterize breathing pattern and of phrenic nerve amplitude. The method called for stratification of 6-dimensional vectors into three classes: intact, partial, and complete unilateral phrenicotomy, which offers the possibility to construe the classification rule on the basis of the information contained in a set of feature vectors with the known class-membership. This method deals with the use of a distance function as a measure of similarity between two feature points. The results show that the degree of diaphragm paralysis could be recognized with the probability higher than 90%. Distinguishing the severity of diaphragmatic dysfunction and the compensatory strategies of the respiratory system, knowing only a handful of basic values describing breathing pattern, might have a practical meaning in respiratory emergencies.
The treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) possesses numerous difficulties owing to the unclear etiology of the disease. This article overviews the drugs used in the treatment of IBD depending on the intensity of clinical symptoms (Canine Inflammatory Bowel Disease Activity Index and Canine Chronic Enterophaty Clinical Activity Index). Patients demonstrating mild symptoms of the disease are usually placed on an appropriate diet which may be combined with immunomodulative or probiotic treatment. In moderate progression of IBD, 5-aminosalicylic acid (mesalazine or olsalazine) derivatives may be administered. Patients showing severe symptoms of the disease are usually treated with immunosuppressive drugs, antibiotics and elimination diet. Since the immune system plays an important role in the pathogenesis of the disease, the advancements in biological therapy research will contribute to the progress in the treatment of canine and feline IBD in the coming years.
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Laparoscopic procedures in dogs and cats

Laparoscopic procedures are gaining wider application in veterinary medicine. The fnollowing article contains description of indispensable equipment for performing surgical procedures with use of laparoscopic technique and reviews some laparoscopic procedures which found application in veterinary medicine.
Diaphragmatic hernia is one of the most frequently observed injuries caused by trauma in cats. Study materials were a total of 44 cats (20 male, 24 female), at different ages (2-months-old to 2-3-years-old) from various breeds. Following direct radiography, positive-contrast radiography was also taken to confirm the diagnosis. General anesthesia was induced using 5% isoflurane inhalation. Following entubation, the anesthesia was continued using 1.5-2% isoflurane inhalation by a nonrebreathing system with a pediatric circle. When the repair was about to be completed, positive pressure was increased for treating atelectasis. The mortality rate in traumatic diaphragmatic hernia cases was found to be 6.8% at the end of the study. It was concluded in this study that the success of the surgery may be increased by effective anesthetic procedures.
Święs J., Grodzińska L., Sławiński M., Gryglewski R. J.: Kallikrein-thrombolytic and hypotensive action in cats - preliminary results. Acta Physiol. Pol. 1990, 41 (1-3): 87-95. An intravenous injection of kallikrein produced hypotensive and thrombolytic effects in anasthetized cats, using the blood superfused tendon technique. The thrombolytic action of kallikrein was mediated by an unstable substance. The generation of this substance was abolished by either acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) or aprotonin and enhanced by captopril. The hypotensive action of kallikrein was only partially inhibited by ASA. It is proposed that both these pharmacological effects of kallikrein are mediated by bradykinin which in turn releases prostacyclin from the endothelium. However, in contrast to the thrombolytic effect of kallikrein which is totally mediated by prostacyclin the hypotensive action of kallikrein depends not only on prostacycylin but also on another endothelium-derived vasorelaxant, e.g. EDRF.
The aim of this study was to elaborate criteria defining the morphotype and to perform a morphological and morphometric analysis of the squamous part of the occipital bone and of the foramen magnum in the European cat. The study material comprised 50 corpses of European cats of both sexes and of bodyweight from 1.35 to 7.7 kg, aged from 1 year to 17 years. The study material underwent detailed preparation and morphometries of the skull, squamous part of the occipital bone and the foramen magnum were performed. The skull index (IC) data obtained indicate that the European cat represents a mesaticephalic morphotype. In the morphometrical analysis of the foramen magnum the following were included: the foramen magnum index (IFM), the occipital index (IOF), and the index of the squamous part of the occipital bone (ISO). In the morphology of the squamous part of the occipital bone two categories were distinguished: the first was characterized by a form close to an isosceles triangle with its base directed to the bottom. In none of the specimens studied was a dorsal notch in the form of a "keyhole" observed, nor was there any other deformation in the foramen magnum, which takes the form of a slightly crosswise elongated regular oval. The results of this study indicate that in the European cat the foramen magnum is free from any pathology and its shape, in the individual development, is conservative.
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