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This survey provides a general discussion on drug residue analysis in biological material. Quality criteria for the use of thin layer chromatography in residue analysis have been evaluated and compared with those of other methods. The present application of TLC in residue analysis of antibacterials, growth promoters and neuroleptics has been discussed.
In this paper there are showed the changes in quantitative-qualitative characteristics of essential oil occurred in chamomile flower drug, Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert, after each of the three harvests of year. It is known that the content of essential oil and the proportion of components change not only during individual developmental phases of flower anthodia but also during individual harvests of year. The reason why it is so, cannot be explained satisfactorily at he present time. There will be, no doubt, several approaches to an explanation of the subject, a possible one being the follow-up of the properties of plant strategies resulting in a successful existence of chamomile plants in relation to the environmental factors as - firstly, stress and resistance, - secondly, specificity of disturbance and, - finally, competition.
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