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nr 11
An intensive agricultural production system entails increased use of soil, which represents a specific agrosystem. The components of this ecosystem remain in equilibrium. Any upset of this equilibrium by human activity results in a drop of soil fertility. Excessive loosening of the soil, using heavy equipment, monocultures accompanied by chemical weed control, application of large quantities of chemicals and liquid manure, and burning straw on site lead to soil degradation. The author presents some specifics methods of soil protection.
People are interested in the possibility of renovation of degraded grasslands since a long time. More intensive studies on this subject were performed in 1920-1939, mostly are to the activity of scientist from Experimental Research Institute in Sarny. Next growth of the interest in application of complementary seeding methods in pastures and meadows takes place after 1945 years. These studies included an estimation of farming tools (tooth harrow, disk harrow and rototiller). Experiments give different effects of complementary seeding. Authors of particular papers underlined the fact that the efficiency of various tools and machines depend on the communities conditions and the botanical composition of swards. As the chemical industry developed so herbicides are more after used in reseeding experiments. The feelings on usefulness of application of herbicides controversial. From the beginning of 80-ties of this century the studies are developing, in which special drill for sod seeding are used. It follows from results published that such method of renovation of degraded grasslands should be extensively practised. Overdrilling is easy performed and besides, expenses are in this case significantly lower then these connected with the use of other methods.
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