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w słowach kluczowych:  adaptive mutation
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Adaptive (starvation-associated) mutations occur in non-dividing cells and allow growth under the selective conditions imposed. We developed a new method for the determination of adaptive mutations in Escherichia coli. The system involves reversion to prototrophy of the argE3OC mutation and was tested on AB1157 strains mutated in the mutT and/or mutY genes. The bacteria that mutated adaptively grow into colonies on minimal medium plates devoid of arginine (starvation conditions) when incubated longer than 4 days. Using the replica plating method we solved the problem of discrimination between growth-dependent and adaptive argE3Arg+ revertants. Phenotype analysis and susceptibility of the Arg+ revertants to a set of T4 phage mutants create an additional possibility to draw a distinction between these two types of Arg+ revertants.
This is a short survey of the adaptive mutation processes that arise in non- or slowly- dividing bacterial cells and includes: (i) bacterial models in which adaptive mutations are studied; (ii) the mutagenic lesions from which these mutations derive; (iii) the influence of DNA repair processes on the spectrum of adaptive mutations. It is proposed that in starved cells, likely as during the MFD phenomenon, lesions in tRNA suppressor genes are preferentially repaired and no suppressor tRNAs are formed as a result of adaptive mutations. Perhaps the most provocative proposal is (iv) a hypothesis that the majority of adaptive mutations are selected in a pre-apoptotic state where the cells are either mutated, selected, and survive, or they die.
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