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w słowach kluczowych:  acid precipitation
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A laboratory simulation of acid rain was performed in which soil monoliths from the Wielkopolski National Park area were sprinkled with water solutions of sulphuric acid of pH 3.0 or 2.0, and for reference with distilled water of pH 5.6. The form and amount of the washed out aluminium as well as changes in the chemical properties of the soil studied were determined. The process of aluminium release proved particularly dangerous for acidic or slightly acidic soils which cover a large part of the National Park area.
This study compares the results of three stations differing greatly in geography, and tendencies of change in the chemistry of precipitation (open and throughfall) in the years 1996-1999. The mean annual pH is lower than 5.2, and often drops below 4.6. A distinct decline in the concentrations of sulphate ions at all the stations is observed.
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