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w słowach kluczowych:  Taxoldrug
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Natural resources of paclitaxel, an effective anticancer compound, were threat ened with extinction soon after the discov - ery of this valuable substance. Cell suspension cultures derived from different Taxus species have rapidly become an alternative source of paclitaxel and other taxanes. In this paper we provide some in sight into cell growth characteristics in cell suspension culture of Taxus x media cv. Hicksii, with emphasis on the ef fects of jasmonic acid (JA) on taxane production in cell lines with different initial taxane content. Ad ditionally cell growth characteristics of two cell lines was followed during cultivation of cell suspension culture of Taxus x media cv. Hicksii. Packed cell volume (PCV) was shown to be a reliable and efficient alternative for measuring cell growth in stead of fresh and dry weight. The initial to tal taxane content was screened in a number of cell lines, followed by observing the effect of JA on cell mass and to tal taxane production of se - lected lines. We showed a great variability in initial taxane content in different cell lines, which decreased during cell sus - pension maintenance. JA was shown to in hibit cell growth and in crease to tal taxane production (14 to 106 fold).
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