Investigation of leaf rust disease on spring crops of triticale (×Triticosecale Wittm.), itsdistribution dynamics, aswell asthe efficacy of two fungicides, different application doses and timing was carried out at the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture during 2000–2002. Differences in the disease development were determined by the meteorological conditions, especially the amount of rainfall, and growth stage of plants. Precipitation during 2000 was close to the mean, and the development of leaf rust wasmoderate. In June of 2001 the rainfall wastwice as high asthe norm, which created favourable conditionsfor pathogen development. In 2002 a long droughty period till flowering inhibited the development of leaf rust. The triazole fungicidesJuventus(metkonazole 60 g l–1) and triazole and strobilurine mixture Allegro (kresoxim-methyl 125 g l–1+ epoxikonazole 125 g l–1) were used at full, two-third and half doses once and twice. Both of the fungicides were very effective against leaf rust. Biological efficacy of Juventus applied at any dose or time against leaf rust was 88.3%–99.7%. Allegro efficacy against this disease was slightly higher 94.7%–100%. Application of 1.0; 0.75 and 0.5 l ha–1 doses twice showed a better efficacy than a single application. The higher doses of fungicides were not markedly superior to the lower ones.