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w słowach kluczowych:  Gloeotrichia echinulata
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This study focused on site-specific preferences of potentially harmful cyanobacterium Gloeotrichia echinulata to occur in lakes with different ecological and trophic conditions. Its pelagic growth was studied in six lakes from June to September in 1986-1988, 2000-2001 and 2009. In total, 78 samples were taken from the epilimnion (stratified lakes) or the whole water column (non-stratified lakes). Analyses of phytoplankton and environmental variables were performed according to standard methods. During summer, a distinct maximum of the Gloeotrichia growth was observed in July or August (the warmest period). Bloom events of G. echinulata occurred in lakes where the light and oxygen conditions were significantly inferior while the phosphorus content remained on a slightly elevated level. The distinct domination of this cyanobacterium (above 40% of the total phytoplankton biomass) was limited to lakes with a high, moderate or even poor ecological status, and to the meso-eutrophic or eutrophic state of lakes. However, G. echinulata occurred in a broader range of ecological and trophic conditions of lakes. The historical approach to mass occurrence of G. echinulata, with its possible contribution to phosphorus translocation from sediment to the pelagic zone, suggested its importance as an indicator of progressive ecological and trophic deterioration of lakes. This indication should be very useful for establishment of main targets in water management.
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