In the Collection of Vegetable Plants of Botanical Gardens of PAS interesting, new varieties of vegetable, particularly of Polish breeding and less known species, are presented. The aim of this work is to show and describe these species which lately have caused a special interest and are very attractive in respect of habits, colour and shape of edible parts. During the review of all species and varieties (usually more than 200 taxons) it is possible to distinguish between vegetables with edible roots, tubers, leaves, stalks, flower buds, flowers and also fruits and seeds. Among them: parsnip, Spanish salsify, salsify, globe artichoke, malabar nightshade, chinese chives, fringed cabbage, chinese cabbage, celery cabbage, mangold, watermelon, muskmelon, spaghetti squash, young fruits of calabash gourd, strawberry blite are worth attention. The list is closed by yardlong bean, chicking vetch and winged pea.