The subject of the research was caeca of 52 individuals of the Black Scoter Melanitta nigra 32 males (5 young and 27 adult ones) and 20 females (11 young and 9 adult ones). The analysis comprised the relations among the values of four measurements of caeca (length CLL and weight CLW of left caecum, length CRL and weight CRW of right caecum) and the values of three body parameters (body length BL and weight BW and sternum length) taking into consideration the birds ages and sexes. Ontogenetic differences in caeca sizes were revealed young individuals of both sexes had longer caeca than adult individuals. Moreover, young females had heavier caeca than adult individuals of this sex. However, no significant dimorphic differences in the analysed parameters of caeca were noticed. Definite majority of black scoters had longer (47 individuals) and heavier (29 individuals) left caeca than the right caeca.