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Field experiment aiming at determination of the response of 6 rye strains to the sowing date was carried out in 1983-1985. The influence of years, strains, sowing dates and interaction of these factors on the rye grain yield and its structure was investigated using the analysis of variance. The values of mean squares were compared with their expected values, whereas the variance components were estimated by solution of obtained sets of equations. Positive values of varietal component were obtained for the yield structure. The varietal factor determined most strongly the grain yield per ear. The sowing date strongly determined the traits under study, except for the 1000 grain weight.
A field experiment with 51 potato varieties within the framework of the general lattice design was corried out in 1982-1984. The yield of tubers and starch as well as the starch content in the former were determined in the experiment. Variance components corresponding with particular variability sources: years, barieties, years x varieties and experiment error, were estimated. The estimates of variance components allowed to analyze the variability structure of the triats under study. It has been found that the total variance of the yield of tubers is practically the same for each among 5 eatliness groups. The varietal factor determines most strongly the total yield in the group of medium early and late varieties. The starch content is most variable in the group of medium late and late varieties. The standard yield is most variable in case of early and medium early varieties. This trait is determined most strongly by the varietal factor.
A field experiment aiming at determination of the response of new Triticale varieties to the sowing date and mineral fertilization was carried out in 1983-1985. The effect of years and experiment factors on the yield and its components was estimated using the analysis of variance. The obtained values of mean squares were compared with their experimental values, whereas the variance components connected with particular variability sources were obtained by solving the equation designs obtained. Positive values of the varietal variance component were obtained for the straw yield, 1000 grain weight and yield of grains per ear. The mineral fertilization determined most strongly the yield of straw and the total yield. The sowing date determined only slightly the 1000 grain weight and grain yield per ear.
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