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The long-toothed pipistrelle (Hypsugo dolichodon) was recently described as a new bat species based on four specimens from Laos and Vietnam. During investigations of taxa in the Vespertilionini tribe, we noted that specimens reported as Falsistrellus affinis (recently transferred to genus Hypsugo) from Myanmar and Cambodia have mtDNA sequences and craniodental characteristics similar to H. dolichodon and different from genuine H. affinis. Mitochondrial homogeneity within H. dolichodon was also apparent as there was no nucleotide difference between the widely distributed Cambodian, Lao and Vietnamese specimens in CO1 or Cytb genes. Although ecological data are scarce, H. dolichodon appears to be a cave-dweller which would suggest that conservation measures are a priority because tropical caves are under high pressure from human use.
Trident bats found in mainland Southeast Asia are currently subsumed into a single species, Aselliscus stoliczkanus. In this study, we examined morphological and genetic data from different populations from Southeast Asia, with a special focus on specimens from Vietnam. Our analyses support the existence of a further species of Aselliscus in northeastern Vietnam that separated from A. stoliczkanus sensu lato (s.l.) during the late Miocene. Within the latter taxon, we identified five geographic lineages that diverged from each other during the Plio-Pleistocene epoch. Some of them may also correspond to further separate taxa, but additional molecular and morphological data are needed to test this hypothesis. Herewith, based on the combined evidences we describe the northeastern Vietnamese population as a separate species.
During the examination of a series of specimens, formerly referred to Myotis montivagus, recently collected in Vietnam and Lao PDR, we found that they differ in several important ways from any species formerly included in M. montivagus. We describe them as a new species characterised by a relatively long forearm, moderately long ears, flat cranial profile and wide anteorbital bridge. Based on characters classically used to separate the ‘subgenera’ of Myotis the new species shows affinities to both the nominate subgenus ‘Myotis’ and ‘Selysius’. Our morphological investigations support recent phylogenetic analyses showing that the former ‘subgenera’ of Myotis are in fact paraphyletic groups, even within Southeast Asia. Nevertheless, many of the external and craniodental features formerly used to separate these subgenera provide a practical means of grouping species. Using these characters we provide an identification key to identify the new species, as well as other currently recognized medium and large sized, small-footed Myotis species from the Indomalayan Region.
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