On a base of achieved results it can be stated that ryegrass share in obtained fodder greatly depended on the variety and performance year, as well as the harvest date (cut). Lolium perenne cultivars included in mixtures significantly affected the differentiation of the sward floristic composition. Share of grasses sown in these grass mixtures (Phleum pratense, Dactylis glomerata) and white clover (Trifolium repens) was much higher in control mixture sward (without Lolium perenne) or in mixtures where lower share of ryegrass was recorded, as weil as in the sward from the first cuts (lower Lolium perenne share). Furthermore, the lack of ryegrass in the sward or its lower share more favored the development of grasses not considered in sown mixtures, particularly Poa trivialis.
Microbial colonisation of chronic venous ulcers and synergism between bacterial species slow down the healing process. The study aimed at performing qualitative analysis of microbial flora in venous leg ulcers treated with platelet rich plasma (PRP). Twenty two women and twelve men aged 47–90 years were treated with PRP at our department between 2012 and 2015. Ulcer cultures collected before and after PRP therapy yielded 83 and 110 microbial isolates, respectively, of Gram positive, Gram negative bacteria and candida. Pseudomonas aueruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus were the most common pre-and post-treatment isolates. PRP therapy and increased the variety of microbial flora.
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