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The influence of sex, body weight, physical condition, age and season on diet choice was investigated by hunting reports and intestinal analyses of 441 lynx Lynx lynx (Linnaeus, 1758) from Norway killed during 1960-1996. Of self-provisioning (> 1 yr) lynx (n = 280), males preyed proportionately more upon cervids (primarily roe deer Capreolus capreolus and semi-domestic reindeer Rarigifer tarandus) compared to small game (mountain hare Lepus timidus and tetraonids) than females did. Only 5.4% of the variation in prey preference towards small game and cervids (p = 0.0002) could be explained by sex. In a logistic regression model, no additive effect of weight or any other parameters was found after sex had been included. We did not find sufficient evidence for body weight (sensil stricto) being related to prey choice, but propose that sexually determined prey segregation in lynx is caused by different ranging behaviour resulting in different encounter rates with different kinds of prey.
Habitat and spatial organisation of 11 radio tagged Eurasiani lynxes Lynx lynx Linnaeus, 1758 were studied in a low-density (ca 0.3 ind/100 km ) population in a boreal-alpine environment with low and temporally varying densities {< 180 ind/100 km in winter) of ungulate prey, primarily roe deer and semi-domestic reindeer. The use of habitat measured as 4 biome categories ranked from south boreal to alpine influenced mountain vegetation did not vary seasonally, but lowlands were much preferred to alpine habitats. Adult males moved almost 3 times farther per day in linear distance (x = 5.9 km, n = 3) than did females with kittens ix = 2.0 km, n = 4) or subadult females (x = 2.5 km, n = 6; p = 0.002). Subadults (n = 5) dispersed 42 ± 13 (x ± SE) km during the first 9 months of independence, but often visited their natal range during the first year on their own. Adult lynxes roamed over very large annual ranges [males: 1906 ± 387 km (n = 4), females: 561 ± 102 km2 (n = 6)J that took > 5 days to pass through, independently of sex. The oniy male monitored over more than 1 year maintained 2 separate home ranges each year. The larger home ranges and the possible tendency towards less defined territory boundaries than previously reported for the species, may be caused by the lower prey and population densities, though culling of adult individuals may also have played a role by continuously creating empty gaps in the territorial mosaic.
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