The paper has been based on the results of the measures of soil moisture and density in 1 - 5 cm layer (soil without crops) as well as the values of thermal properties found from the statistical - physical model of thermal conductivity and from the mathematical formula for heat capacity and thermal diffusivity. The data were derived from the fields with old- and fresh-cultivated soil. Measure points were placed in the knots of a net of squares with 5 m sides and covered an area of 20 x 40 m. The analysis of spatial variability of the investigated physical values of soil was carried out using the methods of classic statistics and geostatistics. The smallest variability was found in heat capacity, while the greatest one was found in thermal conductivity of soil. Differentiation of the moisture of soil in the field showed greater influence on the variability of thermal conductivity and diffusivity than the differentiation of the density of soil. In the case of heat capacity, moisture had the major influence on capacity values, however, the density variation on the field had greater influence on variability of heat capacity of soil. The lack of real spatial relationship of different physical properties of compacted soil was observed. In fresh - cultivated soil this relationship was observed within the range of about 8 m.