Embryogenic cultures were initiated and established for the first time in 3 different genotypes of Pinus kesiya using mature zygotic embryos and triacontanol. Mature zygotic embryos produced white-mucilaginous embryogenic callus when cultured on half strength MSG (Becwar et al. 1990) basal medium supplemented with 90 mM maltose, 2.0 ·g l⁻¹ Gellan gum, 9.0 μM 2, 4-D and 10 μg·1⁻¹triacontanol. On subculture of such embryogenic callus on the maintenance medium (II) containing 2.0 μM 2,4-D and 2.0 μg ·l⁻¹ triacontanol induced cleavage polyembryogenesis with proembryos. The percentage of somatic embryogenesis was not similar in all the three genotypes. The highest percentage of somatic embryogenesis (88.5 %) was recorded in PK04 genotype. Somatic embryos were successfully germinated on half strength MSG basal medium without growth regulators. Somatic seedlings showed fast growth and a survival rate of 95 %. This work for the first time reveals that triacontanol can be used as an effective growth regulator for inducing somatic embryogenesis in conifers.