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On 4-9 February 2008, an adult Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca was observed on the Reservoir at Siczki, Central Poland (Accepted by the Avifaunistic Comission of the Polish Zoological Society) (photo 2). The bird was in the flock of Mallards Anas platyrhynchos, foraging and moving with them. In Poland, this species was recorded 34 times until 2006, mainly in western part of the country.
In the winter season of 2005/2006, birds wintering in the agricultural landscape of the Radomska Lowland , central Poland were counted on an area of 250 ha. The area was almost without trees, except for several pear-trees growing on balks. The central part was crossed by a drainage ditch. In total, 1104 individuals of 23 species were recorded. The most abundant species were represented by yellowhammer, greenfinch, and corn bunting. Most frequent species comprised buzzard (100%), magpie (90.9), and raven (81.8%). The mean density of birds over the season was 40.1 ind./100 ha/count. Numbers of birds highly varied, so that the mean density fluctuated from 1.2 to 189.6 ind./100 ha. The number of birds individuals was almost twice as high as in the open agricultural landscape of the Siedlecka Upland, and comparable with the diversified agricultural landscape of the same mesoregion.
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