This paper analyzes whether physicochemical properties significantly influence the occurrence of zooplankton in a brackish reservoir. The studies were carried out on the Vistula Lagoon in August and September from 2006 to 2009 at 32 research sites. The environmental conditions in the Vistula Lagoon varied widely. At the time of the investigation, 17 species of rotifers, six species of Cladocera, and ten species of Copepoda were noted, and the total density of plankton fauna ranged from 145 to 765 ind. dm3. Statistical analysis demonstrated a significant correlation between the occurrence of some zooplankton species and certain environmental parameters, whereas the sampling sites were grouped according to study years. The zooplankton systems recorded at the research sites in 2006 constitute the most disparate group. Thus, it can be concluded that physicochemical properties might significantly impact both individual species (depending on their environmental demands) and entire zooplankton clusters.
In a mesotrophic, shallow, macrophyte-dominated lake, stable plant cover can be attractive for zooplankton species being a grazer or a prey; dense submerged vegetation, Chara beds in particular, can offer a day-time refuge for cladocerans and some adult copepods. The former use this shelter also at night; on the contrary, young stages of Copepoda distinctively avoided both types of plant covered areas during the day and migrated towards open water. That might resulted from the increased grazing upon zooplankton. The pressure of predatory fish in open water probably forced young fish to seek for a shelter. As Chara beds are too dense to be penetrated, they preferred emergent plant zone. That might encourage copepods to undertake reversed DHM. The present study suggests a significant role of plant cover on diurnal zooplankton distribution. Dense charophyte patches could offer a daytime refuge for cladocerans, and some adult forms of Copepoda, while both groups of planktonic invertebrates did not take the advantage of emergent macrophytes cover to avoid fish predation.