The morphology of the single preserved molar of the holotype of the Australian Early Cretaceous (Aptian) mammal Teinolophos trusleri shows that it is a monotreme and probably a steropodontid, rather than a 'eupantothere' as originally proposed. The structure of the rear of the jaw of T. trusleri supports the molecular evidence that previously formed the sole basis for recognising the Steropodontidae as a distinct family.
A dentary fragment containing a tiny left plagiaulacoid fourth lower premolar from the Early Cretaceous (Aptian) of Victoria provides the first evidence of the Multituberculata from Australia. This unique specimen represents a new genus and species, Corriebaatar marywaltersae, and is placed in a new family, Corriebaataridae. The Australian fossil, together with meagre records of multituberculates from South America, Africa, and Madagascar, reinforces the view that Multituberculata had a cosmopolitan distribution during the Mesozoic, with dispersal into eastern Gondwana probably occurring prior to enforcement of climatic barriers (indicated by marked differentiation in regional floras) in the Early Cretaceous.
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