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Plants growing in ruderal habitats can produce from ten to twenty million seeds per speci­men. Seed production is not only a species-specific property. It is also determined by several habitat factors such as soil and climate conditions. The study was conducted from 2000 to 2002 in Bezek, a locality in the eastern part of the Lublin Region. The plants under study originated from ruderal habitats. The observations conducted encompassed two types of soil: humic rendzina and light podzolic soil. The study takes into consideration medicinal plant species occurring in great number or in masses on both types of soil. In order to determine seed production, plants were collected at random from various loca­tions within the sites studied, representing various habitat conditions. The data were sta­tistically processed by calculating confidence intervals using Student's test, with a margin of error of 0.05. In each vegetation season, Plantago major was definitely the most productive species. High seed production in each year of research was also exhibited by Daucus carota and Leonurus cardiaca, whereas the lowest seed production in 2000, 2001 and 2002 was shown by Galium aparine and Clechoma hederacea.
The study was carried out in 2006–2008 on medium heavy mixed rendzina soil. A two-factor field experiment was set up according to a randomized block design, in three replications. The aim of this research was to compare the effect of three herbicide doses and two foliar fertilizers on the yield components and some grain qualitative characteristics of winter triticosecale. The herbicides Mustang 306 SE and Attribut 70 WG were applied at full recommended doses and reduced to 75 and 50% doses. Foliar fertilizers Insol 3 and FoliCare 18 : 18 : 18 were applied twice a season at recommended doses. The control was not treated with herbicides and foliar fertilizers. It was found that grain yield and weight grain of one ear were significantly higher with full and reduced by 25% doses of the herbicides in comparison with control without herbicides. It indicates the possibility of reducing herbicide doses at least by 25% without risk of reduction of grain yield. The content of total protein in grain of winter triticosecale was higher in the object with foliar fertilization in comparition with control. The starch content in grain in the object with foliar fertilizer FoliCare 18 : 18 : 18 was higher than in the control object and Insol 3.
Doświadczenie przeprowadzono w latach 2006-2008 na średnio ciężkiej rędzinie mieszanej. Dwuczynnikowe doświadczenie przeprowadzono w układzie bloków losowanych w trzech powtórzeniach. W pracy porównano działanie trzech dawek herbicydów z zastosowaniem adiuwantu oraz bez jego użycia na plon i wybrane cechy struktury plonu ziarna pszenicy ozimej. Herbicydy Mustang 306 SE i Attribut 70 WG były stosowane w pełnych zalecanych dawkach, zredukowanych do 75% oraz 50%. Adiuwant Atpolan 80 EC (olej parafinowy 11-13) był stosowany w zalecanej dawce. Największy plon ziarna pszenicy ozimej ‘Turnia’ uzyskano w obiekcie z pełną zalecaną dawką herbicydów, jednak redukcja dawki o 25% i 50% nie zmniejszała istotnie plonu w porównaniu z dawką maksymalną. Wskazuje to na możliwość obniżenia dawek herbicydów bez ryzyka obniżenia plonu ziarna. Stwierdzono, że zastosowanie herbicydów wraz z adiuwantem Atpolan 80 EC wpłynęło na zwiększenie obsady kłosów i plonu ziarna pszenicy ozimej w porównaniu z obiektami z herbicydami bez adiuwantu.
The present study was carried out in the period 2007– 2009 in the Experimental Farm in Bezek near the city of Chełm. The aim of the investigation was to compare weed infestation of the husked (Krezus) and naked (Cacko) oat cultivars cultivated under conditions of different weed control treatments. The following weed control levels were compared: A – control object; B – harrowing twice; C – application of the herbicide Mustang 306 SE; D – herbicide Mustang 306 SE + foliar fertilizer Insol 3; E – herbicide Mustang 306 SE + two foliar fertilizers: Insol 3 and FoliCare 18:18:18. The husked oat cv. Krezus was more competitive against weeds. Number of dicotyledonous weeds and of monocotyledonous weeds, total weeds, and air-dry weight of above-ground parts of weeds in the crop of this cultivar were all significantly lower compared to the naked cv. Cacko. From the group of dicotyledonous species, Chenopodium album, Galinsoga parviflora, Matricaria maritima ssp. inodora, Polygonum aviculare, and Stellaria media were the dominant species in the crops of the oat varieties under investigation, whereas among the monocotyledonous species Echinochloa crus-galli, Setaria pumila, Apera spica-venti, and Elymus repens occurred in greatest numbers. The application of the herbicide Mustang 306 SE decreased the number of dicotyledonous weeds and air-dry weight of weeds, compared to the treatment in which mechanical weed control had been used.
W doświadczeniu polowym przeprowadzonym w latach 2006-2008 na średnio ciężkiej rędzinie mieszanej oceniano wpływ zróżnicowanych dawek herbicydów Mustang 306 SE i Attribut 70 WG oraz nawozów dolistnych Insol 3 i FoliCare 18:18:18 na plonowanie i strukturę plonu pszenicy ozimej Turnia. Herbicydy stosowano łącznie w pełnych zalecanych dawkach, zredukowanych do 75% oraz w dawkach zmniejszonych o połowę. Opryskiwanie nawozami dolistnymi wykonano dwukrotnie w okresie wegetacji. Obiekt kontrolny stanowiły poletka, na których nie stosowano zarówno herbicydów, jak i nawozów dolistnych. Największy plon ziarna otrzymano w obiekcie pielęgnowanym pełną zalecaną dawką herbicydów, jednak redukcja dawki do 75% i 50% nie zmniejszała istotnie plonu w porównaniu z dawką maksymalną. Wskazuje to na możliwość obniżenia dawek herbicydów bez ryzyka istotnego zmniejszenia plonu. Dolistne dokarmianie roślin nie miało istotnego wpływu na plonowanie pszenicy ozimej, chociaż obserwowano tendencję wzrostu plonu w porównaniu z obiektem kontrolnym bez nawożenia dolistnego.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of chemical crop protection on the content of N, P, K, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe in grain of 8 spelt wheat cultivars (Franckenkorn, Badengold, Schwabenspelz, Oberkulmer Rotkorn, Ostro, Ceralio, Schwabenkorn, and Spelt I.N.Z.). Chemical protection involved application of a fungicide, two herbicides and a retardant. No plant protection agents were used in the control treatment. The above spelt cultivars were grown in a monoculture on medium heavy mixed rendzina soil. The study was carried out in 2009-2011, at the Bezek Experimental Farm, which belongs to the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. Among the spelt wheat cultivars compared, grain of cv. Ostro was characterized by the highest content of nitrogen, phosphorus and manganese, whereas grain of cv. Franckenkorn contained the largest amounts of potassium and magnesium. The highest amount of zinc was found in grain of cv. Oberkulmer Rotkorn and that of copper – in grain of cv. Spelt I.N.Z., while grain of cv. Schwabenkorn was found to be the richest in iron. Irrespective of the cultivar, chemical plant protection significantly increased the copper content in spelt grain and simultaneously decreased the magnesium content. The content of N, Mg, Zn, Cu, and Mn in grain decreased in the successive years of the study.
During the research, it was assessed how water extracts from Galium aparine and Matricaria maritima subsp. inodora affect the germination energy and capacity, as well as the length of the seedling root and the first leaf of the Dankowskie Zlote cultivar of Secale cereale and of the Janko cultivar of Triticale rimpaui. The experiment was conducted under laboratory conditions, with the use of Petri dishes. The influence of three concentrations of water extracts prepared from the dry and fresh mass of the plant’s above-ground parts was examined. Petri dishes watered with distilled water constituted the control treatment. Water extracts prepared from the Matricaria maritima subsp. inodora dry and fresh mass and Galium aparine fresh mass reduced the germination capacity and energy of rye and triticale in direct proportion to the increase of concentration. Higher concentrations of water extracts reduced, to a significantly larger extent, the growth of the seedling roots of both species. Lowest-concentration water extracts from the Matricaria maritima subsp. inodora dry and fresh mass and from the Galium aparine fresh mass stimulated the growth of seedling root of the cereals under study. Higher concentrations of water extracts prepared from the Galium aparine and the Matricaria maritima subsp. inodora dry mass reduced, to a significantly larger extent, the growth of the first leaf.
A field experiment was conducted in the period 2006- 2008 on incomplete podzolic soil. The present study investigated the effect of different doses of the herbicides Mustang 306 SE and Attribut 70 WG as well as of the foliar fertilizers Insol 3 and FoliCare 18:18:18 on the biodiversity of weeds in a winter triticale crop, ‘Todan’. The segetal flora was assessed 6 weeks after the application of the herbicides and before the harvest of the triticale crop. The herbicides were applied together at labelled doses as well as at doses reduced to 75% and by half. Spraying with the foliar fertilizers was done twice during the growing period. Plots in which no herbicides or foliar fertilizers were used were the control treatment. Matricaria maritima and Viola arvensis from the dicotyledonous class were predominant in the winter triticale crop, whereas Apera spica-venti was the dominant species among the monocotyledons. The weed control efficacy of the reduced herbicide doses was weaker compared to the labelled rates by, respectively, from 6% to 9% at the first time of weed infestation assessment and from 4% to 8% at the second assessment time. Simultaneously, air-dry weight of weeds in the herbicide-treated plots did not differ significantly. This indicates that it is possible to reduce herbicide doses in a winter triticale crop without a risk of increased weed infestation.
The aim of the study was to estimate the influence of chemical plant protection including application of growth regulator Stabilan 750 SL (CCC), fungicide Alert 375 SC as well as herbicides Mustang 306 SE (florasulam; 2,4‐D) and Attribut 70 WG (sodium propoxycarbazone) on forming of LAI and MTA indexes of winter spelt wheat varieties (Frankenkorn, Badengold, Schwabenspeltz, Oberkulmer Rotkorn, Ostro, Ceralio, Schwabenkorn and Spelt I.N.Z.) in conditions of non‐ploughing and plough‐cultivation systems. The field experiment was conducted in 2009–2011 in Bezek near Chełm on rendzina soil. The leaf area index (LAI) and mean tip angle (MTA) were evaluated three times in the canopy of spelt wheat at shooting stage, heading and milky‐wax maturity by means of LAI‐ 2000 meter, firm LI‐COR (USA). The highest LAI index was shown by Schwabenkorn cultivar. At the same time this cultivar was characterized by more horizontal leaves position influencing on a relatively low value of MTA index. Chemical plant protection significantly decreased leaf area index of spelt wheat and increased the value of MTA index. Soil tillage system had diversified influence on examined traits.
The study was carried out in 2008–2010 The aim of this research was to determine the influence of chemical protection (herbicides Mustang 306 SE and Attribut 70 WG, fungicide Alert 375 SC and retardant Stabilan 750 SL) on some grain quality characters of two cultivars of spelt wheat (Schwabenkorn and Spelt I.N.Z.) in different conditions of mineral fertilization. It was found that chemical protection level did not significant by influence the protein, starch and gluten content as well as sedimentation index in grains. It indicates the possibility of reducing chemical protection without risk of worsening the technological quality of spelt wheat grain. The content of total protein in grains was higher in the object with a lower level of fertilization. The cultivar Schwabenkorn was characterized by a significantly higher content of protein and starch in grains and Zeleny’s sedimentation index then in the Spelt I.N.Z.
The studies were carried out in the years 2009-2011 on medium heavy mixed rendzina soil. The aim of the study was comparison of the effect of tillage system and different types of catch crops on the weed infestation level in spring wheat canopy sown in monoculture. The experiment included plough tillage and conservation tillage with autumn and spring disking of catch crops. Four methods of plot regeneration were used in a form of various catch crops. With reference to the control without catch crops, effects of undersown red clover and Dutch ryegrass were compared, as well as of stubble crops of lacy phacelia and white mustard on the weed infestation of spring wheat canopy. Based on the conducted research it was indicated that plough tillage compared with conservation tillage decreased a number of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous weeds, the total number of weeds and their air dry mass in the spring wheat canopy. Under conservation tillage, compared with plough tillage, there was a higher occurrence of Avena fatua and Cirsium arvense. Greater species diversity in weeds was observed on plots with conservation tillage. A lower number of monocotyledonous weeds was observed on the plot after stubble crop of white mustard, compared with the control plots where no catch crops were sown. Incorporation of both stubble crops and undersown red clover decreased dry weight of weeds in a spring wheat canopy, both compared with the control and with the plot after undersown grass. On plots after undersown red clover and Dutch ryegrass, a higher number of weed species was observed in the spring wheat canopy, compared with the control without catch crops. Conservation tillage promoted obtaining a higher biomass of catch crops than plough tillage. Undersown red clover produced a significantly lower biomass than stubble crops or undersown Dutch ryegrass.
The field experiment was carried out in years 2008-2010 on rendzina soil. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of the chemical protection level on the yield of two winter spelt cultivars – Schwabenkorn and Spelt I.N.Z. cultivated under different conditions of mineral fertilization. Chemical protection levels included: A) control, B) Mustang 306 SE, Stabilan 750 SL, C) Mustang 306 SE, Attribut 70 WG, Stabilan 750 SL, D) Mustang 306 SE, Attribut 70 WG, Alert 375 SC, Stabilan 750 SL. Mineral fertilization was as follows (in kg of pure component per hectare): lower level N – 60, P – 26.2, K – 83, and higher level N – 80, P – 34.9, K – 99.6. Significantly higher grain yields were obtained from Spelt I.N.Z. cultivar compared with Schwabenkorn cv. Application of higher rates of mineral fertilizers significantly increased the number of ears per 1 m2 as well as the grain yield of spelt wheat but had no effect on the weight of 1000 grains, and the number and weight of grains per ear. Chemical protection of Schwabenkorn cultivar caused significantly higher grain yield, from 29.8 to 33.7%, compared with control without chemical protection.
Based on a 3-year field experiment conducted on medium heavy mixed rendzina soil, the present study evaluated the effect of chemical plant protection on the species composition, number and air-dry weight of weeds infesting crops of winter spelt wheat cultivars (‘Frankenkorn’, ‘Badengold’, ‘Schwabenspeltz’, and ‘Oberkulmer Rotkorn’) sown under ploughing and ploughless tillage systems. Ploughing tillage involved skimming done after harvest of the previous crop and pre-sowing ploughing, while in the ploughless tillage system ploughing was replaced with cultivating. Chemical weed control included the application of the herbicides Mustang 306 SE and Attribut 70 WG. Plots where the herbicides were not used were the control treatment. On average, from 21 to 30 weed species colonised the winter spelt wheat crops compared. Galium aparine and Apera spica-venti occurred in greatest numbers and their percentage in the total number of weeds was estimated at 26–35% and 17–25%, respectively. The cultivar ‘Frankenkorn’ was the least weed-infested. Both the number of weeds in the crop of this cultivar and their above-ground dry weight were lower compared to the other cultivars. The use of reduced tillage significantly increased the air-dry weight of weeds compared to ploughing tillage. Nevertheless, it should be indicated under ploughless tillage conditions the application of chemical crop protection reduced weed biomass by 59% compared to the control treatments without crop protection.
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