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W Europie w ostatnich latach nasilił się problem skutecznej ochrony roślin zbożowych przed grzybami pleśniowymi. Porażenie kukurydzy ma charakter wieloczynnikowy i jest uzależnione nie tylko od czynników agrotechnicznych, lecz także od pogody, wobec której rolnik jest bezradny. Celem podjętych badań była ocena wpływu niekorzystnych warunków pogody oraz poziomu nawożenia azotem na stopień porażenia grzybami ziarna dwóch odmian kukurydzy zwyczajnej i woskowej. Doświadczenie polowe było zlokalizowane w Stacji Doświadczalnej Katedry Szczegółowej Uprawy Roślin Uniwersytetu Rolniczego w Krakowie. W okresie wegetacji suma opadów wyniosła 794,23 mm, co dwukrotnie przewyższyło potrzeby wodne kukurydzy. Przed zbiorem określono liczbę roślin z objawami fuzariozy, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem porażenia kolb, które nie przekraczało 15%. Po zbiorze przeprowadzono analizę ziarna dwóch odmian kukurydzy metodą seryjnych rozcieńczeń pod kątem porażenia przez grzyby pleśniowe. Najwyższy stopień porażenia odnotowano dla kukurydzy zwyczajnej, nienawożonej azotem. Kukurydza zwyczajna była porażana najczęściej przez: Fusarium graminearum, natomiast kukurydza woskowa przez Fusarium culmorum. F. culmorum był najczęściej izolowanym gatunkiem. Zaobserwowano również występowanie innych grzybów patogenicznych i toksynotwórczych, mogących powodować straty w uprawach kukurydzy.
Doświadczenie przeprowadzono w latach 2008 i 2009 w Stacji Doświadczalnej PWSZ w Sanoku, zlokalizowanej w Nowosielcach. Materiałem badawczym było ziarno 4 mieszańców kukurydzy różniących się wczesnością (sw – średnio wczesne i sp – średnio późne) oraz typem ziarna (flint: ‘Ravello’, ‘Arobase’ i dent: ‘Oldham’, ‘Nekta’). Porównywanymi czynnikami agrotechnicznymi był sposób nawożenia mineralnego, klasa wczesności mieszańców – średniowczesne i średniopóźne, a także typ ziarna ‘flint’ i dent’. W próbach dużych (n>100) zebranego ziarna, oszacowano masę ziarna i zarodka. W zarodkach kukurydzy oznaczono zawartość t łuszczu i profil kwasów tłuszczowych oleju kukurydzianego. Stwierdzono, że zwiększenie masy ziarniaka badanych odmian, bez względu na typ, było wysoce istotnie i dodatnio skorelowane z masą zarodka. Wzrost masy ziarniaka i masy zarodka determinował zwiększenie plonu oleju z jednostki powierzchni. Stwierdzono, że olej z zarodków kukurydzy charakteryzował się wysokim udziałem kwasu linolowego w profilu kwasów tłuszczowych.
In the cooler regions of Europe, the success of winter pea cultivation depends strongly on proper plant development before winter. Previous research has suggested that plants need to develop short internodes and at least their first two leaves before the arrival of frost. However, this stage of growth is sometimes not reached in the event of late sowing, due to factors such as unpredictable weather conditions or the delayed harvest of a previous crop. An effective solution may be the application of plant growth regulators before the sowing of seeds. The aim of this study was to assess the seedling developmental characteristics of winter pea dependent on biostimulator applications in low temperature conditions (4°C). Seven different winter pea cultivars were treated with three biostimulants: Asahi SL, Kelpak SL, and Primus B. After 21 days of seedling development, basic biometrical characteristics were measured (length and weight of shoots and roots). It was found that ‘Enduro’ and ‘Aviron’ showed greatest root development, regardless of the applied biostimulants. The highest germination was achieved by ‘Aviron’. The efficiency of biostimulators on the cultivars tested was low, although slightly better results were found for Asahi SL in combination with ‘Enduro’ and ‘Aviron’.
In Poland the cultivation of the fibrous form of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is dying out, but the acreage of its oilseed form, linseed, which provides seed (Semen lini) used in therapy and being a source of -linolenic acid, is expanding. Nowadays, linseed is grown in 64 countries of the world, but yield levels in these countries vary greatly. Under European conditions, seed yield of linseed shows high variation, which is evidence of little knowledge of the biology of this plant and the lack of precise cultivation solutions in agricultural technologies used. A major reason is the difficulty in obtaining optimal crop density. A sparse crop results in low above-ground biomass yield, which is translated into insufficient crop yields. The selection of highly productive domestic and foreign varieties can partially increase linseed yield; apart from some domestic varieties, the Canadian cultivar ‘Flanders’ and the Hungarian cultivar ‘Barbara’ are positive examples in this respect. There is a possibility of effective selection at early stages of linseed breeding, which bodes well for the prospect of obtaining highly productive varieties with normal or very low -linolenic acid content.
The change in weather conditions in Central Europe has led to the need to review current standards for fertilization of pulse crops. Physiologists claim that phosphorus may play a significant role in raising tolerance to a temporary lack of water in the soil. The objective of the 2-year field study (2011-2012) was to assess the effect of phosphorus application on characteristics of the aerial and underground plant parts of different varieties of pea and elements of their yield structure. The study showed that a higher phosphorus application rate led to significant intensification of photosynthesis and thus to more rapid vegetative development in the plants, manifested as a greater number of leaves and greater leaf area. The higher rate of phosphorus application significantly influenced the flowering process of pea during soil drought. The number of flowering nodes increased significantly as phosphorus application increased. The plants fertilized with the higher level of phosphorus produced a greater weight of root nodules with more Rhizobium bacterial colonies. Increased phosphorus fertilization had a significant role during the year of permanent semi-drought, 2012, resulting in a significantly greater number and weight of pods as well as a greater number and weight of seeds per plant, and thus a larger final yield.
Given the growing interest in ecological intensification directed towards sustainable crop production, a study was conducted to assess the biological and production response of pea intercropped with spring wheat or linseed under various growing conditions. The experiment was conducted in 2009–2011 on a Haplic Phaeozem soil in the western part of Poland. Intercropping of pea significantly reduced the green area index and the normalized difference vegetation index values, but growing pea with linseed caused a significant increase in the number of nodes with pods, pods per stem, and seeds per stem. Intercropping with wheat increased the seed number per pod. Seed inoculation with Nitragina significantly increased the number of pea pods and seeds per stem. Wheat intercropped with pea, with inoculation and foliar fertilization, attained significantly lower straw weight and spike length. Intercropping of linseed significantly reduced the features of the yield structure. Bacterial inoculation increased the production potential of pea at the expense of the supporting plants.
A single-factor field experiment was conducted in 2008 and 2009. The aim of this study was to evaluate the low-morphine poppy cv. Mieszko which was sown at three different dates: I-early, II-optimal, III-delayed. The results of the experiment demonstrate that there is no difference between morphological traits at characteristic growth stages. Plants in the population varied in the number of poppy heads (from 1 to 6). Plant productivity in the crop depended on the sowing date and growing year. Sowing poppy at the early and optimal date allowed more productive individuals that produced poppy heads with a higher unit weight to be obtained in the crop population. The most productive plants in the crop formed 3 or more poppy heads per plant. The results of experiment proved that the date of poppy sowing had a significant effect on plant growth and, as a consequence, on yield, in spite of the fact that it is a no-cost agrotechnical factor. For utilitarian reasons, efforts should be made to do sowing at the optimal time.
This paper is a review of available literature on Zea mays L.ssp.ceratina. It contains information on the origin, cultivation and utilization of waxy maize in the world and can be a contribution to the development of new research on maize cultivation and starch processing technology. Maize, as an old and economically important cereal, played an enormous role in the ancient civilisations of the New World. Among the maize subspecies compared, Z. mays ssp. indurata and Z. mays ssp. indentata are now the most important in Poland. The subspecies Z. mays ssp. saccharata has a marginal role, while Z. mays ssp. ceratina has not been hitherto cultivated. Decisions to introduce the subspecies Z. mays ssp. ceratina into cultivation are based on different grounds, taking into account both agro-climatic conditions and industrial uses of grain processing products. The growing demand for maize grain, stimulated by the increased demand for maize starch and oil in the global market as raw materials that are important in food production, is an impulse for the development of agrobiological research. The development of the starch industry, associated with the demand for industrial starch, will probably contribute to increased interest in this subspecies in Central Europe, also including Poland. Waxy maize grain can be a major ingredient of high-energy feeds for livestock, replacing in this role the type of maize that has been grown for this purpose until now. A great advantage of waxy maize is its specific structure of starch, due to its unique and high amylopectin content (95-98%), which creates unlimited possibilities of industrial use. Currently, waxy maize acreage in Europe does not exceed 2% of the maize crop area in this continent.
Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is the second most important grain legume crop in the world which has a wide array of uses for human food and fodder. One of the major factors that determines the use of field pea is the yield potential of cultivars. Presently, pre-sowing inoculation of pea seeds and foliar application of microelement fertilizers are prospective solutions and may be reasonable agrotechnical options. This research was undertaken because of the potentially high productivity of the ‘afila’ morphotype in good wheat complex soils. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of vaccination with Rhizobium and foliar micronutrient fertilization on yield of the afila pea variety. The research was based on a two- -year (2009–2010) controlled field experiment, conducted in four replicates and carried out on the experimental field of the Bayer company located in Modzurów, Silesian region. experimental field soil was Umbrisol – slightly degraded chernozem, formed from loess. Nitragina inoculant, as a source of symbiotic bacteria, was applied before sowing seeds. Green area index (GAI) of the canopy, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were determined at characteristic growth stages. The presented results of this study on symbiotic nitrogen fixation by leguminous plants show that the combined application of Nitragina and Photrel was the best combination for productivity. Remote measurements of the pea canopy indexes indicated the formation of the optimum leaf area which effectively used photosynthetically active radiation. The use of Nitragina as a donor of effective Rhizobium for pea plants resulted in slightly higher GAI values and the optimization of PAR and NDVI. It is not recommended to use foliar fertilizers or Nitragina separately due to the slowing of pea productivity.
This research evaluated the NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) and GAI (green area index) in order to indicate the productivity and developmental effects of Rhizobium inoculants and microelement foliar fertilizer on pea crops. Two inoculants, Nitragina (a commercial inoculant) and IUNG (a noncommercial inoculant gel) and a foliar fertilizer (Photrel) were studied over a 4-year period, 2009–2012. The cultivars chosen for the studies were characterized by different foliage types, namely a semileafless pea ‘Tarchalska’ and one with regular foliage, ‘Klif’. Foliar fertilizer significantly increased the length of the generative shoots and the number of fruiting nodes in comparison to the control, which in turn had a negative impact on the harvest index. Pea seed yield was highly dependent on the interaction between the years of growth and the microbial inoculant, and was greater for ‘Tarchalska’ (4.33 t ha−1). Presowing inoculation of seeds and foliar fertilization resulted in a significantly higher value of GAI at the flowering (3.91 and 3.81, respectively) and maturity stages (4.82 and 4.77, respectively), whereas the value of NDVI was higher for these treatments only at the maturity stage (0.67 and 0.79, respectively). A significantly greater yield (5.0–5.4 t ha−1) was obtained after inoculation with IUNG during the dry years.
Root competition for below-ground resources between edible plants may provide for long-term sustainability of agriculture systems. Intercropping can be more productive than a pure crop due to taking advantage of the morphological differences between species. In pure cropping, all biophysical interactions between plants occur through soil conditions. In intercropping, competition for water and nutrients is of major importance, but if the roots of one species occupy the zone just underneath the roots of the other crop, they can better use the resources of the root zone of the crop. The root system demonstrates a high degree of plasticity in its development in response to local heterogeneity of the soil profile and plant density. This study aimed at determining: (i) the morphological characteristics of the root systems of linseed, pea and vetch depending on the method of sowing; (ii) the root distribution in various soil types and at different soil profile depths (0–15 cm, 15–30 cm). Two three-year field experiments were conducted on two soil types in south Poland: soil A – Luvic Phaeozem (s1) and soil B – Eutric Cambisol (s2). These results show that linseed was more aggressive toward both legumes in mixture, but it produced lower yield compared to pure cropping. The environmental stress of plants in mixtures increased the relative weight of roots, which resulted in decreasing the root-shoot ratio (RSR).
This work is a review of selected literature on the species of Brassica with the greatest economic significance. Oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera) currently ranks third worldwide among oilseed crops used for oil production and is the most important in the temperate zone. The manifold uses of rape include not only human consumption of oil, but also the use of post-extraction meal to feed livestock as well as industrial applications as a source of bioenergy or cellulose. The improvement in the economic position of rape among crop plants is also due to the doubling of its yield between 1970 and 2009; the average annual increase in seed yield worldwide was 27 kg ha−1 yr−1. The yield level in Europe exceeds the average yields achieved in the world, particularly in Asia. Recently, the cultivation of oilseed rape was started on a relatively large acreage in Iran where the yield amounted 2.1 t ha−1, exceeding the yields of China and India. In Poland, the acreage of oilseed rape cultivation between 1965 and 2013 increased 3–4 times, and during this period the annual increase in seed yield was 29 kg ha−1 yr−1. Under the field conditions of the temperate climate zone, winter oilseed rape yield is mainly determined by agro-climatic conditions during the growing period, the level of nitrogen fertilization, and the production potential of varieties, which is currently highest in hybrids. There is a noticeable tendency of hybrids towards formation of more siliques by individual oilseed plants. Different production categories of plants appear in a rape crop. Semi-dwarf varieties of winter rapeseed are distinguished by greater silique density, particularly on the main shoot. Moreover, these hybrids are characterized by faster growth of the root system, which enables them to take up nitrogen from the soil more efficiently.
In recent years, sustainable crop development has played a key role in current strategies to improve roots activity, which increase nutrients uptake in pulse crop. Our study presents the relationship between root system morphology, inoculant application with and without foliar fertilization and nitrogen accumulation in soil and plants. Two inoculants: Nitragina and IUNG, foliar fertilizer (Photrel), as well as two pea cultivars were studied in three years (2009–2011) period. The research has shown that bacterial inoculants have signifiant inflence on the selected parameters of pea root systems. Gel inoculant signifiantly increased mean root diameter (0.44 mm), compared to control (0.33 mm), whereas combination of Nitragina inoculant with micronutrient fertilization signifiantly increased root length density (1.05 cm·cm⁻³), compared to control (0.85 cm·cm⁻³). Additionally, the bacterial inoculant IUNG has signifiantly decreased the root length density in roots classes between 0.2–0.5 mm in the most humid year. The impact of inoculants on roots parameters was strongly related to weather conditions. In a dry year, a signifiant decrease of mean root diameter, specifi root length and increase of root dry mass were observed. Nitrogen accumulation in seeds signifiantly increased after gel inoculant application. A higher N content was proven in the fodder cultivar, but the edible cultivar was observed to accumulate more N in the seeds, which caused a Nitrogen Harvest index for this plant (80.0%).
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