The process of landscape consolidations is legislatively governed by the Law No. 330/1991 Arch, on the landscape consolidations, the ownership arrangement of plots, the land offices, the land fund, and land communities, according to the wording of subsequent rules. Projects of comprehensive landscape adaptation are designed to accommodate for production and landscape value of the territory. Thus, the comprehensive landscape adaptation projects do contribute to the qualitative enhancement of the territory of interest. New spatial and functional rearrangement of the territory represented by changed structure of the plots (change of the landscape structure) is a result of comprehensive landscape adaptation. Under conditions where a change in crop rotation or protective greening already appear as insufficient in order to prevent harmful water erosion, we are forced to deal with more stringent erosion control measures of a technical nature. One option is to build drainage ditches of generally trapezoidal shape, with the function of safe capture of surface runoff (overland flow) and subsequent conversion to the sub-surface drainage (hypodermic flow). Trenches, which are situated more or less parallel to contour lines, are dimensioned on the entire volume of surface runoff using the runoff curve method (curve number method). The stat requirements for this method are very low: rainfall amount and curve number. The curve number is based on the area’s hydrological soil group, land use, treatment and hydrological conditions. The environment of geographic information systems (GIS) has, in this regard, precise and time saving procedures whether using simplified (via CN representative) or a detailed (by volume of subareas) approach to CN – method. In this contribution, we made an attempt to describe the role of comprehensive landscape adaptations in the process of drafting water and anti-erosion facilities and measures.