Zastosowanie aplikacji systemowych i ich wpływ na usprawnienie procesów związanych z zarządzaniem infrastrukturą drogową. Zarządzanie siecią dróg stanowi szeroki zakres działań i obowiązków powierzonych administracji publicznej danego szczebla. Jednym z podstawowych zadań należących do zarządcy dróg danej kategorii jest ich ewidencjonowanie i stałe aktualizowanie tej ewidencji. Niniejsza praca stanowi ocenę stanu oraz jakości funkcjonowania ewidencji dróg na szczeblu powiatowym oraz ocenę stopnia wdrożenie systemów geoinformacyjnych do ewidencjonowania dróg. Zastosowanie oprogramowania Geomedia umożliwiło wizualizację wyników przeprowadzonych przez autora badań w postaci map tematycznych obrazujących aktualne tendencje rozwojowe i problemy związane z wdrażaniem elektronicznej ewidencji dróg.
The presence of bacteria and fungi in indoor air pose a serious problem from the point of view of health protection and environmental engineering. Precise determination of various groups of microorganisms indoors is necessary both to estimate the health hazard and to create standards for indoor air quality control. This is especially important in such densely populated facilities like education objects. In this study the level of microbial contamination in rooms of kindergarten, primary school and high school was estimated. A level of microbial air pollution was stated as a considerable high, compared with existing suggestions for microbiological standards and UE demands. The number of microorganisms (as CFU/m3) ranged within 340-7530 for mesophilic bacteria, 5-35 for haemolytic bacteria, 25-475 for staphylococci, 0-45 for coli group bacteria and 30-785 in the case of moulds.
The aim of this study was to evaluate microbiological contamination levels of indoor air in some farm settings, including barns and dairy objects. The level of microorganism emissions from farm buildings into atmospheric air was also estimated. In the research a MAS-100 air sampler (MERCK) was used. It was revealed that the number of microorganisms in barns ranged between 1.7·10³ - 8.8·10⁴ for mesophilic bacteria, 3.5·10¹ - 8.3·10² for hemolytic bacteria, 1.5·10³ -4.6·10⁴ for staphylococci, 5·10⁰ -2·10² for coli-group bacteria and 1.7·10² -2.4·10⁴ for moulds (mainly from the genera Penicillium, Aspergillus, Alternaria, Cladosporium, Mucor and Rhizopus). There were no significant differences concerning microbiological air contamination between buildings of old and modern types. In one of the dairy stores, high numbers of mesophilic bacteria and staphylococci occurred. Farming objects were confirmed to be strong emitters of bioaerosols.
Research on the influence of filter humidity on bacterial survival in filter media was carried out. The results indicate that an increase in water content up to 93% of weight stimulated bacterial growth. When filter humidity was stable, the number of tested bacterial groups reached 10⁶ – 10⁷ cfu/cm² and did not change much within 105 days of the experiment. Strains of Pseudomonas dominated – their percentage in humidity 93% of weight was 92,3%. If water content in filters was not sufficient (13% of weight), the number of bacteria dropped within the first 14 days to 10²- 10⁴ cfu/cm² and Gram positive endospore-forming rods were found as dominants.
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