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Some observations were made to study the biology of Pachliopta aristolochiae aristolochiae on its host plant Aristolochia tagala. Singly laid eggs on the host plant (Aristolochia tagala) were collected from the field and reared in the laboratory under optimum conditions of temperature and
humidity. The egg laying behaviour of the gravid female, hatching, feeding and moulting behaviour of the 4 larval instars were recorded on the creeper host-plant A. tagala. The feeding potential of all the larval instars on the various leaf maturity stages was also recorded. The various stages of pupation up to the emergence of the adult from the chrysalis were recorded. The laboratory study revealed an incubation period of ± 4 days, larval duration of ± 20 days, pupation period of ± 12 days. The study revealed a total life cycle of ± 30 days in the monsoon season under conditions of laboratory rearing. The larval feeding potential was determined by both the maturity and availability of suitable leaves although the mature larvae were observed to feed on the stems of the host-plant in the absence of suitable leaves. Field observations and laboratory study established that Pachliopta aristolochiae aristolochiae endemic to Southeast Asia is on the wings throughout the year with a higher density during the wet season (May-October). It is multivoltine with 7-8 generations yearly. The species displayed single egg-laying habit, which coupled with host-plant specialization with larvae feeding on A. tagala and A. indica allowed efficient utilization of the food resources.

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