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W celu realizacji przyjętych zadań badawczych przeprowadzono 3 doświadczenia. W doświadczeniu 1 badano wpływ niewielkiej dawki (10 mg) syntetycznego kortykosteroidu - triam- cinolonu - podawanego krowom 10 dni przed indukowaniem porodu analogiem PGF2α - cloprostenolem - na poziom progesteronu, PGFM, testosteronu i kortyzolu we krwi obwodo­wej oraz siarczanu estronu i estronu wolnego we krwi obwodowej i pobranej z żyły czczej tylnej. U 28 krów wprowadzono kaniule do żyły jarzmowej oraz do żyły czczej tylnej, przednio od ujścia żyły maciczno-jajnikowej, przez żyłę ogonową. Krowom grupy doświadczalnej (n = 14) podano 260. dnia ciąży 10 mg triamcinolonu i 270. dnia 500 μg cloprostenolu. Krowy grupy kontrolnej (n = 14) otrzymały - 260. dnia ciąży placebo i 270. dnia 500 ng cloprostenolu. Koncentrację hormonów oznaczono metodami RIA. Podanie triamcinolonu spowodowało wyraźny, stopniowy spadek poziomu progesteronu oraz wzrost poziomu siarczanu estronu i estronu wolnego. Poziom PGFM nie wykazał zmian. Koncentracja kortyzolu obniżyła się po podaniu triamcinolonu, a poziom testosteronu wykazał niewielki, przejściowy wzrost. U zwierząt kontrolnych spadek zawartości progesteronu i wzrost estrogenów były niewielkie, a koncentracja PGFM, testosteronu i kortyzolu nie uległa większym zmianom. W obu grupach krów koncentracja estrogenów była dwukrotnie wyższa w żyle czczej tylnej niż w żyle jarzmowej. Podanie cloprostenolu spowodowało gwałtowny spadek poziomu progesteronu u wszystkich zwierząt. W czasie porodu stwierdzono wzrost poziomu PGFM i kortyzolu. Po porodzie poziom estrogenów i testosteronu szybko się obniżył. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że podanie krowom 10 mg triamcinolonu na 10 dni przed indukowaniem porodu analogiem PGF2α powoduje zmiany hormonalne bardziej fizjologiczne pod względem okresu trwania niż przy indukowaniu porodu samym cloprostenolem. W doświadczeniu 2 badano przydatność premedykacji triamcinolonem do indukowania porodów w warunkach produkcyjnych. Badania przeprowadzono na 120 krowach. 40 zwierzę­tom podano - 260. dnia ciąży 10 mg triamcinolonu i 270. dnia 500 μg cloprostenolu (grupa Ta + PGF2α). Inne 40 krów otrzymało 260. dnia ciąży placebo i 270. dnia 500 μg cloprostenolu (grupa PGF2α), a pozostałe 40 krów - 260. i 270. dnia ciąży placebo (grupa kontrolna). Średni okres od podania cloprostenolu do porodu wynosił 31.0 ± 1.4 godz. u krów z grupy Ta + PGF2α i 36.4 ± 2.8 godz. w grupie PGF2α. Częstotliwość ciężkich porodów była statystycznie istotnie niższa (p ≤ 0.05) u krów, którym poród indukowano po premedykacji triamcinolonem niż u krów, którym poród indukowano samym analogiem PGF2α (2.5% wobec 12.8%). Odsetek zatrzymania łożyska wynosił w grupie krów z premedykacją triamcinolonem 14.5% i nie różnił się istotnie od grupy kontrolnej (7.5%). W grupie PGF2α częstotliwość występowania zatrzyma­nia łożyska wynosiła 80.0% i różniła się statystycznie wysoce istotnie (p ≤ 0.01) od pozostałych grup. Wydaje się, że premedykacja triamcinolonem może być przydatna do indukowania porodów u krów w warunkach produkcyjnych. W doświadczeniu 3 zbadano wpływ dopochwowej aplikacji analogu PGF2α- cloprostenolu u wysoko cielnych krów na poziom progesteronu we krwi i wywołanie porodów. Badania wyko­nano na 40 zwierzętach: 20 krów otrzymało 500 μg cloprostenolu dopochwowo i 20 krów - domięśniowo. Po 28 godz. od aplikacji poziom progesteronu u wszystkich zwierząt był niższy od 3.18 nmol/1. Poród został wywołany u 19 zwierząt po aplikacji dopochwowej i u wszystkich krów po podaniu domięśniowym. Okres od aplikacji cloprostenolu do porodu był zbliżony w obu grupach. Wyniki wskazują, że dopochwowa aplikacja cloprostenolu może być stosowana do indukowania porodów u krów.
This review article deals with the current knowledge on the role of oestrogens in the regulation of reproductive tract functions in the boar. Boars exhibit high amounts of oestrogens in blood plasma and semen. The predominant oestrogen is the conjugate and free oestrone. Oestrogens are synthesized in the boar only by Leydig cells, but not by Sertoli cells and germ cells. Oestrogen receptors are expressed in the testis (Leydig cells, Sertoli cells, peritubular myoid cells, and germ cells) and the epidydymis. These hormones influence the development and function of the reproductive tract and play an important role in the regulation of spermatogenesis. Environmental oestrogens, particularly mycotoxin zearalenone, may cause reproductive disturbances in boars. Seminal oestrogens seem to influence reproductive functions in the female pig, such as sperm transport in the genital tract and the occurrence of ovulation. Further investigations are needed to clarify the role of oestrogens in the reproductive tract of the boar.
Currently, subclinical endometritis is being discussed as an important cause of reduced conception rates in dairy cows. Inflammation of the endometrium alters the uterine environment and disrupts conception or embryo survival. Subclinical endometritis mainly results from persistent bacterial infection during parturition. Arcanobacterium pyogenes, Prevotella spp., Fusobacterium necrophorum and Escherichia coli are major uterine pathogens. The association between infection with bovine herpes virus 4 and endometritis is suggested. Subclinical endometritis has been histologically diagnosed in 30-50% of repeat breeding cows. Recently, uterine cytology collected by cytobrush or lavage is used for the diagnosis of endometrial inflammation. Subclinical endometritis is defined as the presence of > 18% neutrophils in uterine cytology collected 21-33 days postpartum or > 10% neutrophils at 34-47 days. Prevalence of subclinical endometritis in different studies ranges from 30 to 70 percent. There are no practical recommendations for the treatment of subclinical endometritis. The use of prostaglandin F₂a and intrauterine infusion of antibiotics or proteolytic enzymes has been described.
Concentrations of oestrogens in the blood plasma and seminal plasma of mature boars are high. However, little is known about their concentrations after reaching sexual maturity. The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of oestrogens in blood plasma and seminal plasma of boars during the postpuberal period. Free and conjugated oestrone and oestradiol-17β were determined by radioimmunoassay in blood from the testicular vein and artery, and peripheral circulation as well as in seminal plasma collected from 18 Polish Landrace boars. The animals were divided into three groups (n = 6) according to age (8, 12 and 16 months, respectively). Oestrone was predominant free and conjugated oestrogen. The highest values of oestrogens were measured in the testicular vein (p ≤ 0.05). The concentrations of oestrogens in seminal plasma did not differ from those found in the peripheral circulation. An age-dependent increase in levels of all four oestrogens (p ≤ 0.05) was observed. This can be associated with biochemical maturation of the reproductive system during the postpuberal period.
This paper presents current information on the regulatory mechanism of the endocrine function of the corpus luteum in cyclic and pregnant dogs. Corpus luteum function in the first half of diestrus or pregnancy (< day 30) is independent of gonadotrophins. The mechanisms regulating corpus luteum function in this phase are largely unknown. It seems that an important role in the controlling of progesterone biosynthesis is played by StAR (steroidogenic acute regulatory protein) and 3β-HSD (3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase). Recently, it has been demonstrated that prostaglandin E2 acts luteotrophically by increasing the expression of StAR. In addition, the action of progesterone on its receptors at the para-/autocrine level appears to serve as a luteotrophic factor. There is no significant difference in the regulation of corpus luteum function between pregnant and non-pregnant bitches during this time. Corpus luteum function is fully gonadotrophin-dependent during the second half of diestrus. Prolactin and, to a lesser extent, LH are the main luteotrophic factors. The slow process of luteal regression starts by day 30 after ovulation, and it takes place in spite of the increased availability of pituitary luteotrophic hormones (LH, prolactin). During luteal regression, progesterone concentration gradually decreases. This decrease is caused by a reduced expression of StAR and 3β-HSD, as well as by degenerative changes in the luteal cells. In nonpregnant bitches, progesterone concentration decreases slowly and reaches baseline values 80-90 days after ovulation. In pregnant bitches, on the other hand, progesterone decreases rapidly 1-2 days before parturition. In non-pregnant bitches, luteal regression is a passive process in the absence of luteolytic factors, whereas in pregnant bitches, luteolysis is an active process. This is due to a rapid progesterone decrease to the threshold level and the release of PGF2α from the fetal part of the placenta.
Цель работы состояла в разработке операционной техники канюляции маточной аорты и вены беременных коров, позволяющей легко брать из этих сосудов кровь для эндокринологических исследований. Исследования провели на 23 коровах, у которых между 261—270 днями беременности через лапаротомию канюлизировали ответвления маточной вены и аорты. Период взивания крови из маточной вены составлял в среднем 7,3 ± 5,2 дня, из аорты же 5,2 ± 3,4 дня. Одновременное взятие крови из обоих сосудов было возможно в среднем 4,7 ± 3,2 дня, причем у 50% оперированных коров кровь брали тем же способом вплоть до родов. У 26% подопытных животных появились осложнения в виде абортов либо тяжелых родов. Не наблюдали зато влияния выполняемых операций на витальность телят.
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of lactation on blood biochemical components and body weight in Kamieniec ewes nursing singles or twins. The examinations were conducted on 4-year-old ewes; 12 suckling single lambs and 12 suckling twin lambs. The feeding level was maintained constant during a 70-d lactation period. The course and consequences of lactation in ewes nursing singles and twins were compared taking into account daily milk yield, milk production over lactation, milk chemical composition, and blood biochemical indices. Milk yield was found to be significantly (by more than 20%) higher in ewes nursing twins, reaching 27.40% towards the end of lactation. Milk production over lactation was higher in the mothers of twins, by 23.67 kg (P≤0.05). No significant differences were observed between ewes suckling singles and twins with respect to the chemical composition of milk. Changes in blood biochemical indices, primarily in the activity of ALT and AST, concentrations of protein, urea, and creatinine, as well as in the parameters of acid-base balance indicate that lactation has a greater challenge in the ewes nursing twins.
To conduct the study two experiments were performed. In the first one the level of oestrone sulphate (EiS) and oestrone (Ei) was determined in the peripheral blood during the last two weeks before parturition. The mean Ei level was increasing progressively until the end of pregnancy. In contrast, the EiS values were at that time constant. However, just before parturition the concentration of EiS (15-18 ng per 1 ml) was 5-fold higher than that of Ei (3.0-3.5 ng per 1 ml). In the second experiment the level of the steroid hormones was measured in the uterine (umbilical vessels) circulation. The highest levels of EiS (approx. 35 ng per 1 ml) were found in the foetal blood (umbilical vein), while the highest concentration of Ei (approx. 8 ng per 1 ml) was in the uterine circulation (uterine vein). The data obtained suggest that placental oestrogens are primarily produced in the conjugated form (EiS) by the foetal part of the placenta; in the maternal placenta they are converted into unconjugated oestrogens form, in the perinatal period has been discussed.
The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of Mycoplasma canis in the vagina in three groups of healthy canine bitches. Two vaginal swab samples were collected from each of the 91 mixed-breed canine bitches. One sample was placed into a transport medium, chilled and brought to the laboratory within 24 h. These swabs were cultured on a urea-arginine LYO2 broth, thereafter DNA was extracted and tested by PCR. The second vaginal sample was cultured for aerobic bacteria. Totally, 38 (41.76%) samples were positive. In group I (n = 32) M. canis was detected in 22 (68.7%) bitches, in group II (n = 24) in four (16.7%), and in group III (n = 35) in 12 (34.3%) animals. Mixed infections with other bacteria were common. The mean number of isolates from vaginal samples was 2.1. The results indicate that M. canis is a part of normal vaginal flora in healthy bitches. The differences between groups of bitches in the frequency of incidence of M. canis and other bacteria could result from various environmental conditions.
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