The purpose of this study was to evaluate the additives of basil, oregano and paprika on the properties of bread supplemented with flax seeds and on lipid hydrolysis and oxidation. The breads were made from wheat flour type 650, with 5% addition of milled and boiled flax seeds and simultaneous 1% addition of frozen herbs: oregano or basil or 5% addition of dried red paprika fruits. The properties of bread were characterized by: organoleptic analysis and measure of loaf volume, acidity, free lipids content, moisture content and elasticity of bread crumb. Quality of fat extracted from bread crumb was determined by analysis of acid, peroxide and anisidine values. It was shown that additions of herbs and paprika, introduced for bread supplemented with flax seeds, generally improve quality of bread, but their effect was differentiated. Addition of oregano increase of testiness and volume of bread and elasticity of crumb, however, contents of moisture and free lipids were decreased. This type of bread, in comparison to bread with flax seeds only, contained less of peroxides 24 hour after baking and less of secondary lipid oxidation products 24 and 72 hour after baking. The influence of basil was similar as oregano, however, it was found such differences as: decreasing of bread volume and increasing of peroxide value in bread stored by period 72 hour. The addition of dried paprika fruits although the mostly decreased volume of bread, but substantially increased testiness and the most favorably influenced on fat quality, it in the biggest degree limited contents of peroxides and secondary lipid oxidation products.