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The diet of the pine marten Martes martes (Linnaeus, 1758) was studied during 16 successive winters in an uninhabited area in northern boreal Finland. The results are based on 5677 scats analyzed. The present data support earlier findings that the pine marten is an opportunistic generalist, its most favoured food apparently being small rodents, especially Clethrionamys spp. The significant year-to-year variation in the frequency of occurrence of this favoured prey in the diet of the marten correlated positively with summer trapping numbers for these species. Snow cover decreased the martens' consumption of Microtus spp, but not Clethrionomys spp. or the wood lemming Myopus schisticolor. The first real alternative in the absence of small rodents appeared to be the red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris, and in its absence carcasses of reindeer Rangifer tarandus tarandus and eggs. Other food items included birds, the mountain hare Lepus tímidas, the common frog Rana temporaria, berries and mush­rooms. There was some evidence that the occurrence of red squirrels in the diet was dependent on the abundance of both squirrels and small rodents. We suggest that in northern boreal Finland martens primarily forage for small rodents, and larger prey, which is less available and more difficult to catch, is captured incidentally.
The carcasses of the 497 European lynx Lynx lynx (Linnaeus, 1758) killed in two areas in Finland in the 1980s were sexed, the nutritional status and diet of the lynx determined and the breeding stage of the females checked. There was no significant deviation in the sex ratio from 50:50 in any often hunting seasons. Fifty-three percent of the females over 1 year of age had given birth the previous spring, the mean litter size from the last pregnancy being 2.33 ± 0.73 (x ± SD, n = 82). In E Finland 86.2% of the winter diet consisted of hares, whereas in SW Finland the lynx consumed hares and white-tailed deer equally. There was no difference in diet between the sexes or age categories in E Finland, but in the white-tailed deer area of SW Finland the male lynx consumed more deer and hares less frequently than the females (p < 0.05). The lynx in SW Finland were on average, in a much better nutritional condition than those of E Finland. The male lynx in both areas had gained more depot fat than the females, on average a difference arising primarily from the smaller amount of fat in the female lynx which had given birth the previous spring. There were positive correlations in E Finland in all the age and sex categories between hare density and mesentery-omentum fat whereas snow depth produced negative correlation coefficients with the mesentery-omentum fat showing a significance of 90% in the adult females.
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