The objectives of this study were to determine the length – weight relationships (LWRs), carapace-length relationships, sexual dimorphism and condition factors (K) of Cherax quadricarinatus from Maninjau Lake, West Sumatra Indonesia. The sex ratio (male: female) was found close to 1:1 in Bayur and Sigiran at period of February 2017 respectively, and 1.51:1 in Bayur on October 2017. The LWRs for males and females crayfish were W = 0.053L2.56 andW = 0.058L2.54 (Bayur, Feb 2017), W = 0.029L2.86 andW = 0.100L2.31 (Sigiran, February 2017) and W = 0.078L2.51 and 0.071L2.49 (Bayur, October 2017). There was no significant difference between length and weight of males and females from all stations at all periods. Similarly, carapace length and carapace width of males and females of crayfish were not significantly different from all sampling locations at all periods. However, at the same carapace length, male crayfish had longer chelae than female at all locations