Phoridae were studied In pine canopies in three pine forests in Poland: Puszcza Białowieska, Puszcza Biała and Bory Tucholskie. 116 species of scuttle fly were recorded, including 2 new to science and 12 new to Poland. The phorid communities of this habitat are dominated by species of the genus Megaselia, that are common and have a wide distribution. The structure of phorid communities depends on the degree of habitat degradation of forests. Increase of the habitat degradation results in a decrease of number and abundance of species, especially zoophages.
The new species to science - Megaselia garwolinensis is described from the post-fire area in the Garwolin Forest n. Warsaw. The other two species found during the study: Megaselia bifida and M. citronella are for the first time recorded in Poland.
Five new species found in Pisz Forest (the Polish Lowland) are described: Megaselia basiturgida, M. depililobulus, M. nigricia, M. pallidivanus and M. trochimczuki. M. barbulata (Wood), M. basseti Disney and M. specularis Schmitz are recorded from Poland (Pisz Forest) for the first time.