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Within 1997-1999, studies were carried out in Włocławek Reservoir to determine diet composition, growth rate, and condition of common bream, Abramis brama (L.)-the dominant fish species there. An extraordinary abundance of bottom fauna in this reservoir is the reason that already in the first year, common bream begin to feed intensively on zoobenthos, they grow very rapidly (in length and weight), and are in good condition. Literature reports that at the beginning of the 1980s, when zoobenthos in the reservoir was considerably less abundant, bream growth was slower.
The food composition of small common bream, roach, pikeperch and ruffe was studied in the shore area of the Włocławek Reservoir between July and October 1999. Zoobenthos and pelagic Chironomidae pupae dominated. Rotifers, copepods and cladoceran pelagic zooplankton were almost not consumed at all. Common bream fed mainly on benthic cladoceran Chydoridae and Chironomidae larvae. Roach consumed vegetation, Chironomidae larvae and small molluscs Sphaeriidae. Ruffe ate Chironomidae larvae, and pikeperch ate fish and various developmental stages of Chironomidae. Pelophilous chironomid forms, mainly from the genus Chironomus, dominated among the consumed larvae. Due to its exceptional abundance, the benthic fauna in the Włocławek Reservoir is an attractive food source for fish, and it plays an important role in their diet from the earliest life stages onwards. The benthic fauna also provides good developmental conditions, especially for typical benthic feeders.
We studied molluscan fauna at two sites in the W³oc³awek Dam Reservoir, differing with respect to the hydrological conditions: a rheolimnic site with a comparatively strong water flow (Soczewka) and a limnetic site, dominated by wave action (Dobiegniewo). Within each site, we sampled molluscs from three substratum types (sand, a thin layer of mud on sand and mud). Samples were collected monthly, from April to October. The taxonomic composition differed between the sites, with Sphaerium corneum (L. 1758), Pisidium sp. C. Pfeiffer, 1821, Bithynia tentaculata (L. 1758) and Viviparus viviparus (L. 1758) being more abundant in Soczewka, while Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843), Marstoniopsis scholtzi (Schmidt, 1856) and Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas 1771) occurred exclusively in Dobiegniewo. S. corneum was a strong dominant in most of the samples, and variation in its abundance was the only cause of the observed differences among the various substrata. Strong differences in the total density and biomass were also observed between the two sites, the molluscs from Soczewka being much more abundant. This phenomenon was particularly apparent on the muddy substratum, which was the most suitable in Soczewka and the poorest in Dobiegniewo. Our study revealed that moderate water flow in Soczewka affected molluscs by improving conditions for them, especially on the muddy substratum.
This paper presents the karyotype and external morphology of larva, pupa and adult male of Stictochironomns sticticus (Fabricius, 1781) from Poland. The species of the genus Stictochironomus are generally identified on the basis of pupal and adult morphology. However, the species described in this paper has species-specific markers in the salivary gland chromosomes which allow identification at the larval stage. Karyological markers are evaluated for the Polish population in comparison with other European populations and Stictochironomus species.
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