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The concentrations of chromium, nickel, copper, manganese, zinc, iron, cobalt and aluminum ions in drinking waters from eight sites of Tokat, Turkey, were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. The values found the present work for the heavy metal contents of the drinking water samples of Tokat, Turkey were below the maximum tolerable limits set by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Water Pol­lution Control Regulation of the Turkish authorities.
In the presented study, the concentrations of some heavy metal ions in bottom sediment samples collected from streams around Yozgat-Turkey in December 1998 and October 1999 were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) after leaching with aqua regia. Copper, iron, nickel, cobalt, lead, manganese and chromium levels in the sediment samples were found in the range of 10.4-16.7 µg/g, 58.3-113.7 µg/g, 31.9-76.4 µg/g, 8.3-19.2 µg/g, 31.2-60.3 µg/g, 34.3-64.4 µg/g and 26.7-39.6 µg/g, respectively. Cadmium contents of the sediment samples were below 3 µg/g at all stations. These values were below the maximum tolerable limits set by the Water Pollution Control Regulation of the Turkish authorities. Correlations between metal concentrations were evaluated.
In order to ascertain water quality for human consumption, major and minor ions were evaluated in the drinking water supplied to the city of Yozgat and its surrounding villages in Turkey. Standard methods were used for determining of chemical and physical characteristics of the water samples. Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni and Mn contents of the drinking water samples were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry after preconcentration on Diaion HP-20 resin column. The data showed the variation of the investigated parameters in water samples as follows: pH 6.90-8.13, conductivity (EC) 57.3-694.5 usimens/cm, calcium 15-120 mg/1, magnesium 3-47 mg/1, chloride 11-77 mg/1, bicarbonate 180-701 mg/1, hardness 50-330 mg CaCO3 /I, total alkalinity 150-575 mg/1, Cu 0.17-1.19 μg/l, Fe 16.11-79.30 μg/l, Pb 0.18-0.99 μg/l and Mn 0.15-2.56 μg/l. Nickel concentrations in all the drinking water samples were below the detection limit. The concentrations of investigated parameters in the drinking water samples from Yozgat were within the permissible limits of the World Health Organization drinking water quality guidelines and the Water Pollution Control Regulation of the Turkish authorities.
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