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It was shown that pilsner type malts suitable for worts of high cont ent of protein hydrolysis products can be obtained from barley of new brewing cultivars containing 12–15% protein. On the basis of oneyear study, it was found that in the group of studied cultivars, pilsner malts obtained from brewer’s barley grain of SU Lolek, Beatrix, Xanadu and Despina cultivars showed higher capability of keeping stable technological properties of malts. It was proven by a consistent mashing efficiency in the range of 60–70%. Some of the studied cultivars caused very high decrease in the mashing efficiency by 11.9% (Salome cultivar) or 8.8% (Britney cultivar). It was proven that batches of barley grain showing overnormative protein content could be used for new malt types which assure maintenance of quality standards in the production of unusual worts rich in extractive compounds, soluble protein and free amino nitrogen (FAN).
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