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This paper summarizes measurements of the radioactivity of soil and plant samples from the part of the Łęczna-Włodawa lake district, which is under a re-naturalization project, in Lublin and Chełm provinces (Eastern Poland). The aim of the studies was to determine the concentrations of particular radionuclides in the soils and plants of this district. The total radioactivity is reported as well as the contribution of artificial radionuclides (Cs-134, C-137) whose presence is due to radioactive fall-out. The total radioactivity of the soil samples ranges from 100-900 Bq/kg, and that of plant samples from 100—1300 Bq/kg. Contamination by radiocesium depends on the migration of water.
The concentrations of gamma emitters in grass samples of central-eastern Poland have been determined. The transfer factors for Cs-137 were calculated for particular samples. The effects of soil type, location of the sampling points and of potassium concentration on this transfer factor were studied.
This paper present the results of investigations of the level of contamination by radioactive isotopes of grass and soil of the Polish and Ukrainian Roztocze area. Heavy metal contents in soil were also measured. The highest level of radioactivity was found in the Northwestern part of Roztocze which may be explained by the close vicinity of industrial centers. The presence of caesium gave from 0.6 to 22% of the total soil activity at Polish side and from 1.5 to 11% at Ukrainian. The Chernobyl nuclear power plant failure is the main source of radioactive contamination of soil. For most samples 100% of this caesium came from this source. The mean 4nK contents made 57% of the total radioactivity in Polish Roztocze and 54% in Ukrainian. Radionuclides of thorium and uranium series gave 20 to 35% of total activity. The activity of 4(,K in grass gave about 80% of the total radioactivity in Polish Roztocze and 73% in Ukrainian. Other radioisotopes present in grass are mainly 7Be and 137Cs. Heavy metal contents in plough land soil universally, except two points, do not exceed acceptable levels.
The results of studies of radioactive contamination of Borne Sulinowo military range is presented. Until 1991, this area was occupied by the former Soviet Army. No serious contamination with natural or artificial radionuclides has been found in the studied area. The activity of natural radionuclides such as 214Bi, 226Ra, 234Th, 224Ra, 228Ac and 214Pb in the soils ranges from 6-8 Bq/kg of soil, which is low when compared to industrial regions of Poland, where 18-36 Bq/kg of these radionuclides have been found. Also, contamination by 137Cs is considerably lower than in Eastern Poland. In about 70% of the studied samples, post-Chernobyl radiocesium contributed less than half of the total amount of this nuclide. It follows that post-Chernobyl fallout was low in the studied area. Moreover, the high level of l37Cs from global fallout in the examined samples manifests strong bonding of cesium in the surface layer of the soil.
This paper presents the results of investigations of grass contaminated by 137Cs in eastern Poland. The influence of the site, potassium ion content, soil type and caesium from soil to plant transfer coefficient (TF) were examined.
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