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Background. Researchers often discuss the subject of physical activity (PA) of the elderly in theoretical terms, showing, for example, the protective mechanisms of PA for the body, beneficial effects for health and aging, as well as the principles of effective health training. According to the WHO and EU, few elderly people are physically active. This study aimed to investigate the level of PA of the surveyed elderly people at the present time, compared to when they were younger. Potential limitations in PA of the respondents and their knowledge about the dangers of hypokinesia were also investigated. Material and methods. This study assessed 217 people, aged 60-85, living in the northern part of the Lublin Province, Poland. It used an original interview questionnaire. Results. Systematic PA performed by respondents earlier in life involved mainly household and backyard activities, professional work, and participation in physical education lessons. The currently most frequent activities were found to be walking (75.6%) and gardening (66.4%). Women much more often than men participated and reported their willingness to be active in organized PA. Various limitations prevented respondents from being physically active. The greatest number of respondents reported disability, physical weakness, kinesiophobia, and multiple diseases (34.6%) as the main barrier, followed by lack of skills to organize physical exercises (27.7%). Concerning threats of hypokinesia, respondents most often indicated obesity, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and arterial hypertension. Conclusions. The level of PA of the surveyed elderly people, limitations preventing PA, and low level of knowledge about the delayed consequences of hypokinesia suggests a need for seniors’ health education in physioprophylaxis.
Praca dotyczy czynników ryzyka zdrowia i ich miejsca w deklarowanych potrzebach edukacyjnych studentów pedagogiki. Wynikające z tych czynników ogromne zagrożenie dla zdrowia i prawidłowego rozwoju młodego pokolenia powodują niepokój społeczeństwa, a w szczególności rodziców oczekujących pomocy od nauczycieli. W grupie badanych studentów największe zainteresowanie w zakresie zdobycia wiedzy i umiejętności pedagogicznych wzbudziły takie czynniki ryzyka jak: alkoholizm; narkomania; bieda, ubóstwo, bezrobocie, niezaradność życiowa oraz formy i rodzaje przemocy wybranych grup społecznych.
Serologiczna diagnostyka boreliozy mimo opracowania i wprowadzenia różnych metod wciąż wymaga weryfikacji. Metody przesiewowe najczęściej stosowane do oceny przeciwciał anty - Borrelia to metoda jakościowa ELFA (Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay, analizator Vidas), metoda immuno - fluorescencji pośredniej (IIFT) oraz metoda immunoenzymatyczna ELISA. Wszystkie wymienione metody charakteryzują się wysoką czułością. Ze względu na możliwość wystąpienia nieswoistych reakcji krzyżowych i wyników fałszywie dodatnich wskazana jest weryfikacja wyników wątpliwych i dodatnich uzyskanych metodami przesiewowymi. Weryfikacji dokonuje się testem Western biot (Wb) o wysokiej swoistości. Technika Wb pozwala na identyfikację przeciwciał dla białek wysoce specyficznych dla Borrelia burgdorferi: VIsE, p83, p39, p31 (OspA), p30, p25 (OspC), p21, p19, p17, wśród których białko VIsE jest najbardziej swoiste dla odpowiedzi w klasie IgG oraz białko OspC, którego obecność związana jest z produkcją przeciwciał IgM. Celem niniejszej pracy była analiza wyników uzyskanych metodą ELFA (z analizatorem Vidas) i metodą IIFT jako testów przesiewowych stosowanych w diagnostyce zakażeń krętkiem B. burgdorferi.
Objectives. The objective of the study was assessment of risk of infection with Borrelia burgdorferi in the area of southern Podlasie in Poland, near the border with Belarus, by analysis of post-exposure procedure, and evaluation of asymptomatic infection in adolescents bitten by a tick, confirmed by serologic tests. Material and methods. The study was conducted among 128 healthy individuals aged 16–20 who declared being bitten by a tick. The level of IgM and IgG class antibodies was determined using the immunoenzymatic test (Borrelia 14 kD + OspC IgM ELISA and Borrelia IgG + VlsE ELISA, DRG Diagnostics). Positive and doubtful results were confirmed using the Western blot method (EUROLINE-WB, EUROIMMUN). Results. In the study group, the largest number of respondents (59.4%) declared tick bite in the region of the lower extremities, most often in the knee pit. Among the methods for removing the tick the largest number of respondents indicated removing it with the use of tweezers, with a simple, swift steady movement (29.7%), and pulling it out with the fingers (22.7%). In the ELISA test, a positive or doubtful result in at least one class was observed in 25.0% of respondents (n=32/128): in IgM class – 23.4% (n=30/128), and in IgG class – 4.7% (n=6/128). After verification with the Western blot test, infection was confirmed in 5.5% of respondents (n=7/128): in IgM class – 1.6% (n=2/128), in IgG class – 3.9% (n=5/128). In IgM class antibodies, the Western blot test confirmed positive or doubtful results of the ELISA test in 6.7%, while in IgG class antibodies in 83.3%. Conclusion. Evaluation of the actual infection with Borrelia spp. using serologic tests is difficult due to a certain non-specificity of the ELISA test, especially in IgM class antibodies, and difficulties with performance of a wide scope of specific Western blot tests. The variety of methods of tick removal declared by adolescents suggests that a wider education of society concerning appropriate methods of removing the tick should become an especially important element of prophylactic actions in the area of borreliosis.
Background. The aim of the following study was to assess the level of knowledge in the prevention of Lyme borreliosis and exposure to ticks in non-medical students, broken down by gender. Material and methods. The study group comprised 274 students from Latvia, including 229 women and 45 men aged 18-35. As for the research tool, the authors’ own questionnaire survey was used. Results. Latvian male students are more likely to use repellents and more often examine their bodies on return from green areas (86.6% and 97.8% respectively) than women (66.3% and 93.9%, respectively). The biggest group of the respondents (35.6% of the men and 41.1% of the women) considered that twisting the tick out with tweezers was the correct method of removing ticks. Slightly fewer respondents, i.e. 26.6% of the men and 36.2% of the women, opted for tweezing it out with a swift steady movement. In practice, most people do not do this on their own − 28.9% of the men turn to a doctor / nurse for help and 32.3% of the women to some other person. Students critically assess their knowledge regarding Lyme borreliosis: 60% of the men evaluate it as minimal and 53.1% of the women as average. More than 86% of the men and 73.4% of the women in the study group reported being bitten by a tick. Conclusions: The results of the study reflect the attitudes of Latvian academic youth towards Lyme borreliosis as well as knowledge about the disease and its prevention, which allows for assessing the need for intensifying public education in the subject.
Cel. Celem niniejszych badań było ukazanie opinii badanych na temat czynników chroniących i wspierających zdrowie w życiu osób dorosłych i starszych. Materiał i metoda. Badaniami objęto 100 osób w wieku 50-85 lat. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety. Wyniki. W opinii badanych, najważniejszymi osobistymi czynnikami chroniącymi zdrowie osób dorosłych i starszych są: dbałość o zdrowie i jego kontrolowanie, optymizm i chęć życia oraz dobre relacje z ludźmi. Najważniejsze rodzinne czynniki prozdrowotne to: życzliwość, serdeczność, pomoc i dobre rady w potrzebie oraz opieka w chorobie. Z sąsiedzkich zachowań najwięcej osób wskazało regularne odwiedziny, wsparcie emocjonalne i informacyjne. Wśród czynników ryzyka, których obawiają się respondenci, najczęściej wskazywano nagłą chorobę połączoną z bezradnością medycyny oraz niepełnosprawność fizyczną i intelektualną. Wnioski. Badani prezentują dojrzałą postawę promocji zdrowia. Wśród czynników chroniących i wspierających zdrowie, osoby dorosłe i starsze szczególnie duże znaczenie przypisują optymizmowi życiowemu oraz dobrym relacjom z ludźmi. Spośród czynników ryzyka zdrowia największe obawy osób starszych dotyczą chorób, w których medycyna jest bezradna.
Background. Nutritional status is one of the factors enabling prediction the possibility of emergence and development of civilization diseases. Correct mineral nutritional status is important and particularly proper bones calcification. The aim of the work was to assess bone mineral density of female and male students from the Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska. Consumption of products which are the main source of calcium in the students’ diet was assessed as well. Material and methods. Bone mineral density was measured by densitometry method. The consumption of food that are sources of calcium in students’ diet was assessed by questionnaire. Results. In groups of women, changes characteristic of osteopenia were showed among 54.9 % women to 25 years and 67.6 % in the older group. Changes characteristic of osteoporosis were found too. In the group of men aged up to 25 changes typical of osteopenia revealed 62.3% and characteristic of osteoporosis 6.6% of examined students. Among 9 older students changes typical of osteopenia were found among 44.4%. Dairy products were main source of calcium in students’ daily food rations. Conclusions. There is a need to take action in the field of nutritional health education, including the practical application of knowledge in the prevention of osteopenia and osteoporosis , addressed to young people. Students from the Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska should be included in the program of nutrition education program for the prevention of osteoporosis.
Due to aging of the population and the desire of people to maintain the best possible mobility, the demand for hip replacement is increasing. As a result, personalization of physical therapy after surgery is needed to achieve the best possible outcomes. However, patients undergoing hip replacement surgery often have additional factors, such as advanced age and obesity, which may hinder the process of rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to review the need and recommendations for personalized physical therapy before and after hip replacement surgery in patients with co-morbid factors such as advanced age and obesity. The research literature emphasizes the importance of effective recovery following hip replacement surgery. Older patients may require prolonged postoperative rehabilitation due to the type of surgery, muscle weakness or cognitive dysfunction. Proprioception and balance disorders may benefit from training on an unstable surface aimed at learning safe falling and getting up after a fall. Weakened gluteal muscles which may be present in the elderly and obese may benefit from strength training in the preoperative period. Excessive exposure of the elderly and obese to thromboembolic complications necessitate the inclusion in rehabilitation programs of exercises based on active ankle movement.
W raporcie WHO, poświęconemu czynnikom ryzyka zaproponowano, by jako definicję ryzyka zdrowotnego we współczesnym świecie uznać „każde ryzyko spowodowania uszczerbku na zdrowiu, lub jakikolwiek czynnik zwiększający takie ryzyko” (a probabilisty of an adverse outcome or a factor that raises probabilisty). Praca dotyczy czynników ryzyka zdrowia, dostrzeżonych przez bialskich studentów, które występują w ich otoczeniu środowiskowym i społecznym. Jako istotny aspekt uznano zainteresowania przejawiane przez studentów, określonymi czynnikami ryzyka zdrowia. Badani studenci w największym stopniu zaobserwowali występowanie w ich otoczeniu nikotynizmu oraz niewłaściwych nawyków żywieniowych. Największe zainteresowanie wśród czynników ryzyka zdrowia studenci zadeklarowali w odniesieniu do problematyki niewłaściwych nawyków żywieniowych oraz braku aktywności ruchowej i plenerowej. Najsilniejszą zależność pomiędzy stopniem występowania a zainteresowania nim zaobserwowano w odniesieniu do seksoholizmu, natomiast najsłabsza dotyczyła narkomanii.
Background. Diabetes, due to its prevalence and the rapid increase in the number of new incidences, has been recognized as an epidemic of the 21st century. It is estimated that over 3 million people in Poland currently suffer from this disease. According to the Ministry of Health, the knowledge of the society about diabetes is too little and insufficient. The aim of the study was to investigate and present general and expert knowledge of nursing students about type 1 diabetes, taking into account the needs of a child and the specialist skills required to care for diabetic children. Material and methods. The study was conducted among the students of nursing at Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska. A questionnaire designed by the author was used in this study. Results. The respondents reported that they possess basic knowledge about type 1 diabetes and at the same time are willing to learn more. They recognize that a child with type 1 diabetes requires special support, therefore medical personnel, educators and physical education teachers should have relevant knowledge and skills about care for type 1 diabetic children. Conclusions. The majority of the students surveyed had a basic knowledge and skills enabling them to provide assistance to children with type 1 diabetes and are familiar with their needs. The significance of physical activity in the life of a child with type 1 diabetes was known to a lesser extent. The students surveyed are willing to broaden their knowledge about type 1 diabetes.
Background. Lyme borreliosis is the most frequent tick-borne disease in Europe and North America, and the number of registered cases is on the increase. Frequent presence in the habitats of ticks enhances the risk of tick bites and possible infection with Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes. Objective. The aim of the study was to assess the risk of B. burgdorferi infection posed to hunters and other individuals exposed to activity-related contact with ticks. Material and methods. The study was carried out in the northern part of the Lublin Province (eastern Poland) and involved 150 individuals exposed to tick bites (110 hunters and 40 individuals exposed to activity-related contact with ticks). The analysis of sera for the presence of B. burgdorferi IgM and IgG antibodies was carried out. All 150 individuals were tested with the ELISA assay, and positive and borderline results of the assay were verified with the Western blot test. All study participants completed a questionnaire, which provided information about exposure to ticks, application of prophylactic measures, and awareness of Lyme borreliosis. Results. The ELISA assay revealed a positive or borderline result in at least one of the classes of B. burgdorferi antibodies in 63.3% (95/150) of the individuals (IgM 14.0%, IgG 63.3%). Verification carried out with the Western blot test showed a positive or borderline result in at least one of the antibody classes in 38.0% (57/150) of the examined persons (IgM 2.7%, IgG 36.7%). Abdomen (56.0%) and legs (53.7%) were the most frequently bitten body regions. Tick bites on the abdomen were significantly more frequently declared by hunters. Inspection of the body after returning from natural areas was more popular prophylactic method than use of repellents. Inspection of the body was significantly more often used in the group of the hunters. Conclusions. The risk of B. burgdorferi infection among hunters and other individuals undertaking activities associated with exposure to tick bites in the study area is high.
Background. The aim of the study was to evaluate the awareness of Lyme borreliosis prevention and exposure to ticks in non-medical students of 2 universities in Ternopil Region (Western Ukraine). Material and methods. The study was conducted by surveying 252 young persons studying at non-medical universities in Ternopil (Western Ukraine): 119 students of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University (TNPU) and 133 of Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (TNTU), aged 18-23 years old. All the participants completed а questionnaire. Results. The students of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University (TNPU) and Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (TNTU), Ternopil, understand that the risk of being infected with Lyme borreliosis does not only appear in forests, but also in gardens, parks, and countryside. Still, 16.5% of the students of both Ternopil universities showed very low awareness about Lyme borreliosis. Most TNPU respondents in the study group (40.7%) were bitten by a tick in the abdomen area; 31.3% of the TNTU students declared being bitten in lower limbs. Students of both universities recorded the fewest bites in the chest area (7.1% in TNTU and 13.0% in TNPU respectively). As for the most frequent methods of tick removal, 71.4% of the respondents lubricated it with fat (e.g. butter, oil) and 42.0% twisted it out with tweezers. Conclusions. Education towards proper methods of tick removal, prevention of tick bites (clothes, repellents) should become an important element of protection measures in students in the regions of high Lyme borreliosis frequency, including Ternopil.
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