The paper is the first attempt at a revision of the stylommatophoran slugs of mainland China, based on our own, previously unpublished, material, on examination of the available types, and on scarce literature data. Subgenus Neoanadenus and the following species have been described as new to science: Anadenus (Anadenus) parvipenis, A. (A.) yangtzeensis, A. (A.) yunnanensis, A. (Neoanadenus) gonggashanensis. The following synonymies have been proposed: Philomycus laoshanensis Chen et Gao = Philomycus bilineatum (Benson), Deroceras (Agriolimax) bilineatus Chen = Lehmannia valentiana (Férussac), Deroceras (A.) melasma Chen, Xu et Liu = Limax (Limacus) flavus L. Besides, ?Arion subfuscus (Draparnaud), Meghimatium bilineatum (Benson), M. cf. pictum (Stoliczka), M. rugosum Chen et Gao, Anadenus (A.) sechuenensis Collinge, ?A. (A.) sinensis Möllendorff, Lehmannia valentiana (Férussac), Limax flavus Linnaeus, Deroceras (D.) altaicum (Simroth) and D. (D.) laeve (Müller) have been recorded from China. Earlier records of Deroceras agreste (Linnaeus) and Eumilax brandti (Martens) have not been confirmed and must have resulted from misidentification. An identification key, taxonomic data, diagnoses of family- to species- group taxa, descriptions of external morphology and diagnostic anatomical characters, remarks on bionomics and distribution original drawings of the external appearance and internal organs, maps and lists of localities and references are provided.