Burrow systems of the fossorial rodent Ctenomys mendocinus Philippi, 1869 were studied in the Andean Precordillera. These burrows were linear, with laterals and branches forked off the main tunnel. Their size and architecture did not differ between sexes. Burrows showed a constant heading along the main tunnel, with a mean directional angle close to 0°, Most forks of the main tunnel were originated more than expected at plants, indicating a change of search pattern where plants were encountered. This behaviour suggests a tactic consistent with area-restricted search. These systems were compared with others of the same species located in a habitat with higher cover and structural complexity of vegetation, at the Mendoza Piedmont. Female burrows were larger and male burrows more bifurcated in the Precordillera. These burrows were more complex than those from the Piedmont, owing to the presence of secondary tunnels. The mean directional angle close to 0°, orthogonal branches and angles of ascent of laterals close to 40° were attributes shared by the systems of both habitats. C. mendocinus maintains a basic search pattern as an optimal forager, and increases the systems size and complexity probably as an adaptive strategy to optimize the foraging efficiency and minimize the prédation risk.