Two years ago, 2 February 1993, suddenly passed away Stanisław Byrdy, professor, doctor of agricultural sciences, organizer and many years head of the Pszczyna Branch of the Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry, professor at Silesian University, educator of many researchers in plant protection. The research output of Professor Byrdy comprises about 150 papers, 4 books, many reports, communiques and authorship or co-authorship of 11 patents concerning pesticide production. His wide knowledge and great experience were appreciated by world science resulted in memberships of research councils of many scientific institutes and the editorial boards of scientific journals. He also was many years member of the Editorial Board of quarterly "Pestycydy" and annals "ORGANIKA-Prace Naukowe Instytutu Przemysłu Organicznego", He had many friends amoung his co-workers, students and fellow-citizens of Pszczyna-city. In spite of his great knowledge, he was the unambitious, good natured and cordial man, friendly, to other people and such will be remembered by all who knew him.