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We examined seasonal borne range size and habitat use by sexes of moose Alces dices (Linnaeus, 1758) near the southern edge of this species' geographic range. Home range size did not differ between males and females during any season. The distribution of forage partly explained seasonal habitat use by both sexes. However, sites occupied by males in summer (1 Juno - 15 September) and autumn (16 September - 31 December) were at higher elevations, had steeper slopes, and were farther from potential aquatic feeding sites than sites used by females. We suggest that habitat segregation during these seasons was a consequence of differential resource requirements, not active avoidance by either sex. During summer, females occupied lowland sites near forest cuts, presumably because these sites had abundant forage and dense understory cover that concealed their young from predators. Additionally, females utilized roadside salt licks more often than males during summer and autumn. Males occupied upland hardwood stands during summer in an apparent effort to avoid heat stress and maximize forage intake. Habitat characteristics of both sexes were similar during winter when resource needs were probably equivalent, and the quality and distribution of forage were more homogenous.
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