An efficient shoot propagation system for Carlina acaulis was developed in this study. The experimental material consisted of shoot tips and fragments of hypocotyls excised from 10-day-old seedlings. The explants were transferred to proliferation medium supplemented with different types of cytokinins: 6-benzylaminopurine (BA, 4.4 or 13.3 µM), kinetin (Kn, 4.7 or 13.9 µM) and zeatin (Zea, 4.6 or 13.7 µM) in combination with naphthaleneacetic acid (0.54 µM NAA). The morphogenetic response was best in culture on medium supplemented with 13.3 µM BA, and shoot organogenesis frequency was highest for shoot tips (100%). On average, 7.5 shoots were induced per explant of the initial material, and the multiplication rate in five subsequent subcultures was 6.1. Shoot length was lower in culture with BA in the medium than with Kn or Zea. Plantlets rooted with 60% frequency in vitro on full-strength MS medium and with 55.3% frequency ex vitro. Reduction of the mineral salt concentration (1/2MS) stimulated rhizogenesis. Addition of auxins stimulated both the frequency and number of roots per shoot, but only in combination with full-strength MS medium. Regenerated plants were able to flower and gave viable seeds.
In the paper epidemiologic analysis of toxocarosis with socio-medical background in humans in the Łódź macroregion over the years 1996-2000 was carried out. It was found that 58.2% of toxocarosis cases represent asymptomatic invasions occurring more often in town residents. The clinical form "minor" pertained the country residents, patients of elementary education and the group "pupil-student". The "major" form of toxocarosis was found in the country residents, young people, and patients over 60 years old.
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Patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are unaware of clinical symptoms, such as cessation of breathing during sleep, decrease in blood oxygen levels, severe sleep fragmentation, and excessive daytime sleepiness. Equally worrying is a low level of knowledge among physicians, psychiatrists, and psychologists of the intellectual and emotional impact of OSA. The illness may lead to anxiety, depression, psychosis, and other pathological symptoms. The aim of the present study was to evaluate relationships among OSA, quality of life, and psychological performance. STAI, UMACL, the Beck Depression Inventory, the Framingham Type A Scale, the Courtauld Emotional Control Scale (CECS), the Life Orientation Test - Revised (LOT-R), and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) were applied. The tests were used to describe the well-being and pathological symptoms, such as depression or anxiety, in a clinical group (newly-diagnosed, untreated OSA patients) in comparison with a control group (healthy volunteers). The results of the tests failed to substantiate the presence of significant differences between the clinical and control groups. We put forward a hypothesis that the rather unexpected lack of psychological differences might stem from a rapid mood improvement in OSA patients on anticipation of being diagnosed and taken care of in the hospital setting. Followed-up studies in the same patients are required to confirm this hypothesis.
W badaniach porównano zawartość włókna pokarmowego i jego frakcji w czterech odmianach dyni olbrzymiej (Cucurbita maxima) i dyni zwyczajnej (Cucurbita pepo). W owocach dyni oznaczono zawartość: suchej masy, związków mineralnych w postaci popiołu, kwaśnej (ADF) i neutralnej (NDF) frakcji włókna pokarmowego, celulozy, lignin i hemicelulozy. Oznaczono także składniki włókna pokarmowego rozpuszczalnego – skrobię i pektyny. Wykazano, że analizowane odmiany dyni istotnie różniły się między sobą pod względem zawartości włókna pokarmowego i jego frakcji. Największą zawartością neutralnej i kwaśnej frakcji włókna pokarmowego w świeżej masie charakteryzowała się dynia odmiany Ambar (odpowiednio 7,48 i 1,46 g/100 g). Najmniejszą zawartością obu frakcji charakteryzowała się dynia odmiany Pyza (odpowiednio 0,23 i 0,22 g/100 g). W 5, z 8 badanych, odmianach dyni największy udział we frakcji włókna pokarmowego stanowiła hemiceluloza. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że owoce większości odmian należących do gatunku C. maxima zawierały znacząco większe ilości skrobi, pektyn, NDF i hemiceluloz niż owoce odmian należących do gatunku C. pepo. Pozostałe składniki włókna pokarmowego w owocach obu gatunków były na podobnym poziomie.
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